Kanna Hirota



5 years, 11 months ago



Kanna Hirota

15 years (14 at the time of her wish)



Japanese Magical Girl

To not let mean words people say affect her
Contract Made

Six months prior to story

Can cause temporary deafness in others

Giant bell

  • Helping people
  • Museums
  • Pretty things
  • Exploring witch labyrinths
  • Mean words
  • Blood/injuries
  • Fighting others
  • Being unable to fix a problem
Offensive Power

Defensive Power

Magical Stamina

Initial Magic Usability

Grief Seed Consumption

Average Darkness in Soul Gem

Average Magic Used Per Fight

  Kanna is very caring and sweet. . too much so for her own good. She tends to always assume the good in people, and will never hesitate to give second, third, and fourth chances to the people around her. Rude words seem to go right over her head, as if she can listen well to anything people say unless it's rude in any way. This can get her in trouble at times, as this sort of insult deafness can just further provoke the people around her. She's almost obnoxiously polite and a bit chatty around those she's met before. 

  She used to be extremely sensitive and easy to intimidate, but after making her wish that aspect of her seems to have been subdued a bit.

Magical Life & Abilities

  Kanna lives a quite normal home life, with her father and mother both alive and well. She enjoys her time at school, and loves to learn new things. As a magical girl, Kanna's magical stamina is almost abnormally high, as she's able to stay positive thanks to help from her wish. She's fascinated by witches and their labyrinths, and treats the mazes like she's touring a landmark or museum. She enjoys theorizing what the witch will be like based on its wards and familiars. Kanna also often admires her soul gem and loves studying the grief seeds she collects before using them up.

  Automatically—meaning she cannot cancel or turn off this power—whenever anyone says anything mean or rude, Kanna cannot hear it. It doesn't matter if it's directed specifically at her or at someone else; if the rudeness can reach her ears, it will get blocked out. She hears these types of comments as a sort of static, so she can tell when something bad is being said, but she doesn't know what. She keeps this power a secret, and fears that one day the wrong person may figure it out and get around it by using some kind of loophole.

  In regards to Kanna's sheer magic power, most of it lies in her weapon. She can use her massive bell to whack her opponents, but can also make people feel physically uneasy at the sound of its ring. The bad feeling depends on the person hearing the frequency as well as the intensity and volume of the sound.

Kanna's Contract

  To put it simply, Kanna used to be extremely sensitive. She would always take negativity to heart, soaking it up like a sponge with water. This caused her to feel incredibly sad quite often, and it affected not only her mindset but also her performance at school. People in class would pick on Kanna specifically because they knew she was so susceptible to negativity, which only made the problem worse. 

  Once evening after a particularly bad day at school, Kyubey appeared on the girl's windowsill and offered her a wish. Kanna was quite hesitant at first, unsure of what exactly she should wish for. And despite thinking it as small and insignificant, she soon made her wish. . to not let mean words said by others affect her. 

  After that night, Kanna has been able to keep her mindset much more positive, despite it still hurting her heart a bit to hear those static noises constantly emitting from people's mouths.

Komaki Tsujimiya

  When she initially meets Komaki, all she gets are rude words and insults, but she remains persistent in staying by the other girl's side and figuring out just why Komaki acts the way she does. Thanks to this persistence, Komaki eventually gives in, and the two girls become close friends as well as a magical duo.

( to be revealed )

  This person, with their intimidating presence and bad intentions, gives Kanna the impression they're not to be trusted. Not to mention they scare her quite a bit. It appears this person has some sort of a connection to Komaki, but she can't figure out the specifics.

Meiko Tsujimiya

  Although she's never met Komaki's older sister, Kanna hears the occasional tidbit from the girl every so often, and in the end is made fully aware of the Mei situation once she and Komaki become close enough.

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