


5 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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Name: Mtanga
Meaning: "Wanderer" in Swahili
Age: Teen
Species: Lion
Gender: Nonbinary, masculine (prefers they/them, but is okay with he/him)
Sexual orientation: Unsure
Pride: Rogue

Appearance: Light cream coat, with dark brown markings and the beginnings of a dark brown mane. His left eye is brown, and his right is green. 

Personality:  Kind // he is a peaceful and kind lion, who wants nothing more than to learn and to spread knowledge. he is loving towards all creatures, and is a strong proponent of the circle of life.
 Wise // although he's young, he appears to be wise beyond his years. he is often learning the ways of different cultures, prides, and animals, and considers every experience a learning experience.
 Pensive // he is always thinking, considering, contemplating; he takes his time with every experience or new piece of knowledge
 Passive // he does his best to not pass judgment, and is never quick to action. he often puts himself in the roll of a mediator.
 Reclusive // he doesn't share his feelings with anyone else, except occasionally if he is prompted. he often slips away without a goodbye, and then is gone until he happens to wander back
 Single-minded // he is devoted to his so-called pilgrimage in his entirety; he doesn't much care for any other responsibilities or qualms

Backstory: Mtanga is a young lion, but he has already been alone most of his life. He only has the vaguest of memories of his family; he doesn't know who his family is, or what happened to them. His earliest real memories were of him wandering from one place to the next. He has never really minded being on his own for most of the time. He taught himself how to scavenge for carrion, how to find edible plants in the worst of cases, and how to find shelter. He had always been a quick learner, but as the small lion wandered, he found himself wondering if there was more to the world than 'eat or be eaten'.

A peaceful lion in most times, Mtanga found foster families in many odd animals throughout the savanna; he learned much from all the different creatures that he visited, but he never stayed in one place for long. That just wasn't his way; there was always more for him to learn elsewhere.

Most contribute his maturity for his age to the fact that he had no choice but to fend for himself ever since he was a cub, but he attributes it more to his spirituality. Upon living with different animals, and being alone with his thoughts so often, he learned of religion and spirituality. Although he never found himself drawn completely to a specific god or goddess, the idea of spirits, and of staying true to one's morals on a higher ground of spirituality, stuck with him. He now considers himself a pilgrim of sorts, hoping to learn all that he can in his travels, and one day perhaps even find enlightenment.

Other: He prefers to eat carrion to killing his own meals, but will if he has to.