Pyri Szabó



5 months, 16 days ago


Pyri Szabó
Lil Darkie

01 — Profile

Name Pyri Szabó
Nicknames N/A
Age 19 yrs
Gender Male ( he/him )
Height 5'3"
Birthdate June 6th
Race Indonesian
Orientation. Bisexual
Occupation Professional Drummer

Status Taken
Designer Toyodeeznuts
  • Pyri's hair colour changes frequently, as he's always dying it. It's practically apart of his brand, for it to be always changing!

  • He's almost always wearing his mask, despite it being an extension of his "Pyri" stage persona. He doesn't feel comfortable without it.

  • His eyes can be drawn normally, I personally just have fun drawing them as devious slits. It's a stylistic choice, really.

  • Pyri has a lot of different scars that can be seen, most prominently the 'x' on his chest, but he also has many scattered on his forearms, and legs.

  • Change his outfit if you'd like, but Pyri always tends to dress very flashy, and eye catching! Especially, with his light clown makeup.

02 — Personality

Pyri's never fit in. To constantly be in the spotlight, is who he is, and he wouldn't have it any other way. The way in which the light beams down on him, shining in his eyes, heat dancing atop his skin, it's all perfect, and painful, and perfectly painful-- and he wouldn't have it any other way. All of the things he enjoys, have to be at least a little bit damaging, anyway. Such as picking at his scabs, or making sure that at least if he falls apart, people will be around to find it entertaining.

He's always been the kid that was a bit 'too much', you know? The kid who couldn't sit still in class, who teachers would use as an example for how not to behave. With that, Pyri gets severely understimulated, which could explain away a lot of his twitch-y, jittery mannerisms. Getting bored is one thing to him, but if he's not being overwhelmed one way or another, he feels a lot like impulsively clawing his skin off. This leads to a lot of sporadic tendencies when it comes to Pyri.

  • Performing.

  • Rock climbing

  • Spicy food

  • Screaming, in general

  • Night time

  • Vast, empty spaces

  • His face

  • Waiting

03 — Background


Ill. add this...





04 — Trivia

  • Pyri has Schizoaffective disorder, a mix of schizophrenia, and bipolar. He deals with a lot of auditory hallucinations, as well as manic episodes.

  • VOICE CLAIM: Max (Sam and Max).

  • He loves to overexert himself, feeling the rush of energy and exhaustion fighting beneath his skin. Often, he plays the drums so ruthlessly, his knuckles begin to bleed.

  • Almost everything is unsatisfying to Pyri, at least in certain moods. He'll have bad fits, noticably off, low-energy and claiming everything is boring.

  • Pain and pleasure really come hand in hand, when it comes to this guy... He can hardly tell the difference, to be honest.

  • Besides the organ, Pyri can play every instrument within the band. Drums, guitar, bass, keyboard, he can even roughly manage vocals. He's a very talented individual!

  • He wears contact lenses. His natural eye colour is brown.

05 — Relationships

Bohdi Rocco
Best friend

Pyri and Bohdi have been best friends since high school, with quite the insufferable name to their duo. Pyri has always been an idiot, that's clear enough. Bohdi is purely an instigator, nudging his firey friend with a "I bet you won't--" knowing Pyri will always take up his bet. They know eachother terribly well, perfectly bouncing off of one another, despite how different they seem from first glance.

They've always known of eachothers' aspirations with music, practising together, and making songs. They wouldn't have gotten into their respective careers without meeting, both helping to form the '9' circles, until Bondi was offered a deal with a new music group called 'Maim'.


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