


5 months, 21 days ago


Vincent is my first persona, he caries my actual name, he may look like a demon and call himself one, but he's more an angel than a demon, he has a good heart, but the fact that in another way the name of demon fits him is that he can get very mad and act like a big jerk with those who bothers him, his borthers (even if they can defend themselves very well), animals, family and friends. He is a bit of a psycopathe and sadic, he is alcoolic too xD. He likes to do bad jokes, to draw and to animate, he is actually owning a book that repertories a lot of species and the story of the Earth.ย 

Vincent was blessed by the god of shape, Aurum, who's a great friend of his father. He was given the ability to form in 7 different animals, along with his 2 birds he was born with as a dragonling (the kaua'i and barn owl) he can also transform into a wolf, a deer, a fox, a scorpio, and a tiger, all looking a bit off.

Vincent Origins sneak pick: Vincent has been abandonned when he was just born, his parents,whose the father was a murderer and the mother an alcoolic (we see now why he is a bit asdic and alcoolic) decided to leave him when they realized that their child wasn't the girl they absolutly wanted (when a new child born, Crea's parent knows if their child are male or female, parent instinct, because yes, crea's doesn't works like humans for the reproduction, they don't have reproductive organs, all by magic) and so they left him in the forest. When a raven sudently appears above the child that was crying for his life, but he immediatly stopped when the raven approches, and then shapeshifting, the raven became a Crea, this was Deus, the life of this poor child was saved. Deus brought him to a familly where he felt a real heart in it, he was surprised that it was a human familly leaving in a Crea village, so he faved the child to them.