[Ravens Hollow] Applepaw



5 months, 14 days ago


Blind Apprentice

7 (+1)
female (she/her)

Applepaw is a small calico she-cat with bright amber eyes. She has short soft fur and a knick in her right ear.

Her warm eyes seem unfocused at all times because she was born completely blind.


Generous. The she-cat is very giving and would happily stop anything she was doing if someone asked for help. She shares her prey with a bright smile and offers a shoukder to cry on. She believes that the knowledge that she actually can't see the other cry makes it easier for the other cat to cry or open up for example. She always gives anyone the benefit of the doubt.

Spunky. Applepaw is extroverted and enjoys others company a whole lot. She has an easy time making friends and can talk for days it seems. She is easily excited and isn't afraid of a challenge. A very optimistic cat by nature who tries to find any hope no matter how dire the situation might be.

Hypersensitive. The calico feels her emotions deeply and maybe even over the top than other cats. She can use it to empathesize with others more because she can hear the others emotions well. But on the other hand she can be pretty hurt by almost anything and overthinks quite a lot. She won't show it at first but when she's alone she'll definetly cry no matter how small the issue is.

Disorganized. She tends to be a little chaotic and scatter-brained at times. Somehow she also forgets things quite easily too. This extends to her being late and maybe even the inability to perform her given tasks well. Applepaw also tends to come late.

Childish. Applepaws worldview could only be described as childish and naive. She believes in good in others first and foremost and blindly trusts those around her. She also has a somewhat "black and white" thinking because in her perception there can only be right or wrong and no nuances inbetween.


  • Cranberrypaw
  • Birds Singing
  • Listening to someone describe something
  • Playing Hide and Seek
  • Sunbathing


  • Thunderstorms
  • Loud Noises
  • Smell of Blood
  • Her sister getting hurt
  • Water/Swimming

  • Applepaw doesn't feel sad about being blind. She believes that there is a reason why she was born that way; even if it's being able to listen to birdsongs.
  • Her sister, Cranberrypaw, is very protective of her but Applepaw doesn't mind. It means her sister cares about her after all.
  • She is a touchy she-cat, especially when she's talking to someone. Her tail might rest on ones shoulder or a paw faintly touches your own as if to make sure you're still there.
  • Applepaws pupils stay in their round form and don't react to any changes in the light.

The Blind Kit

Apple was born in a small litter with only her sister Cranberry. And although their mother, Cherry, was really loving and kind it was clear she was very sick. And when the time came for her children to open their eyes Apple was the one who struggled the most. First of all her sister opened her eyes a few days earlier than her while hers remained closed and second of all she seemed a little helpless while she walked around. She started crying when she couldn't hear her sister or mother even though they might have been quite close to her.

Moons passed by and the sisters grew little by little. Apple noticed quickly that she was different to Cranberry and their mother but she couldn't do much more than just accept that fact. It became very clear too that both doted on her far more than to eachother. It was because of this this that Apple decided she would try and hunt something for her small family. Sadly she couldn't really navigate well within the small of their territory. She became a frightful because there was no way she would find her way home like that.

Suddenly a noise startled her and she couldn't help but be frightened even more. A sharp hiss hit her ears when the unknown creature threatened her. She heard shuffling steps and then a stinging pain to her ear caused her to cry out. Thankfully her loud cry alerted her family who were searching for her nearby so they could come to the rescue. Their footsteps rushed through the bushes; only Apples safety on their mind. When they finally reached Apple she was faced by a rat which was about to strike again. Cherry jumped to her daughters rescue and was bitten while protecting her. And while she managed to fight off the Rat Apple still covered on the ground, shaking and crying. No amount of consoling and licking her damaged ear could calm her down.

A few days later the two sisters awoke one morning to find their mother still next to them even though she was usually up much earlier to hunt for them all. Apple and Cranberry nudged her and called out to her but she didnkt wake up. The calls and nudges became frantic and both sisters started crying at the discovery that Cherry had passed away in her sleep. Either the sickness took her away or a possible infection from the rat bite but the little kits couldn't have known at that point. Both sisters mourned their mother for days only for Cranberry to force herself out of the sorrow. She had to care for Apple now. She started going hunting and trying to sustain them both but even though she was quite talented for her age she couldn't possibly sustain them in the long run. They both were kits after all.

A New Beginning

Moons passed by and Apple began to see light flashes in front of her usually dark environment. She didn't tell Cranberry at first because she didn't want to worry her. But while her sister was hunting she would get these strange light flashes when she turned her head. She was confused; especially since they only appeared when she turned her head in a certain direction. After some time she told Cranberry and they both decided to go into the direction the lights were possibly pointing because the prey was already getting scarce at this time of the year. They had to move anyway. The more they walked the colder it got. Then suddenly they arrived at a tall Oaktree that stood in the center of a clearing. Tgat's when drops of rain fell onto Apples nose and Cranberry quickly led them to shelter inbetween the roots of the large tree. The flashes of light dissapeared from Apples view and both sisters succumbed to their exhaustion from the long journey. They fell asleep peacefully.

In Apples dream, where Cranberry also was, she met a snowy-white cat. That was the moment she realised she could see suddenly; her eyes darted to Cranberry and herself to see what they looked like for a brief moment before the white she-cat introduced herself as Snow before explaining some things about the Clans. There was a lot of information after all. Snow then gave them their apprentice names, Applepaw and Cranberrypaw sounded so cool already even though they would get even prettier names at the end of their apprenticeship. After Cranberrypaw dissapeared from her dream Snow left Applepaw with one last message: "Don't you worry about your eyes. One day you'll know the territory like the back of your paw; just like I did." And with that Applepaw awoke with wide eyes before Cranberrypaw led them to the SnowClan territory where they would start their new lives.












Stat (4 Points +1)


0 (-1/-3)




1 (-1/-3)

0 (+8 +1)




No known Abilities

Applepaw has no known abilities even though she was guided towards SnowClan by a strange light in her usually dark vision.



Applepaw was born completely blind which puts her at a massive disadvantage. She has an Agility and Perception debuff of -1 in familiar areas and -3 in unfamiliar areas.


Last Family Father, Mother, etc.

Unknown | NPC | Unknown
Cherry | NPC | Deceased
Cranberrypaw | @Oceanmoon | Alive

Cranberrypaw is very dear to Applepaw. That's why she will dislike anyone who is mean to her sister in any way.

Next Generation Mate and Kits




Apples Genepool Dominant, Recessive, etc.





Sister/Best Friend

"I love Cranberrypaw with my whole heart and I'll do anything to protect her. She's really sweet even though some say she's mean."

This Character does not belong to me.




This Character does not belong to me.




This Character does not belong to me.

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