Hey this is a long shot but, does anyone on my toyhouse interest you? Only offlimits is the "Sonas" folder and I am tent with "Mains." Willing to trade multiple. Can also do customs!! I would also be willing to do any amount of art! A 3-way trade would be okay too (I buy art/design for you). LMK if you're looking for anything else and I can see if I can do it :)

These 3 interested me^^ ( I have like, ideas I love for all three so I included lil notes! )

https://toyhou.se/24190130.fannar love this design- problem is my idea is that they’d look so cute shipped with Sakura mochi, actually sobbing because the Sakura petals in their fur. It just- is so perfect??? But then I’d have to find things to trade for them + the others and idk if you’d be okay with that, or even what your idea for her was, *implodes* ( this is a lil ramble-y sorry 😭 ) not to mention their color pallets would compliment each other so well?? In my head at least-

https://toyhou.se/22009770.oasis kraken design,,, they’d look so cute in a tropical theme with a zaboomafoo plushie ( explodes from cuteness )

https://toyhou.se/24904845.cosmo want to turn them into a keychain rua,,, ( a closed species ) they could have water filled wings/antenna and and the star on the helmet as the keychain and the tail as a shaped tail 🥺

Would love to hear what you think!! if you have any questions lemme know :3

I could trade either Oasis and Fannar (or both!!) If you want, I would be okay with shipping Fannar and her sksms love making my ocs paired with other peoples!! I agree that the petals in his fur is just perfect hehee.

If it’s okay- hyper fixated on this so wanted to rant more about the ship idea!!

I think they’d be perfect for each other- and here’s why!!

They both have harnesses, I imagine they go on walks together, and just talk and enjoy each other’s company like good healthy partners, especially during cherry blossom season?? Imagine art of them strolling down a path surrounded by cherry blossoms 😭 STOP HE COULD BIRD WATCH ON THEIR WALKS??

Their pallets totally compliment each other- THEIR SO GOOD HELP ship art with them would be stunning 🥺

The petals in his fur could absolutely be cherry blossom petals, that he weaves into his fur as a sign of love for her!!

Casually sobbing, their also both husky’s ??? AAA??? HOW PERFECT IS THIS SHIP??? Absolutely fan girling over this sorry- this genuinely makes me so freaking happy tho!!

Mmm I feel like they were made for each other 🥺 idk what your idea for her was, uh If it is the same idea ( idk it’s maybe possible?? Maybe I’m reaching here but ) then they could always still be a ship 🥺 ( you owning him, me owning her ) I have no clue if your comfortable with that tho so it’s fine if not!! I definitely want to make this happen somehow tho- if that’s Alr?? Supper obsessed with the idea!!

So, that is to say in this case, if you don’t want to have ur dude shipped with her, could I trade anyone else in this character folder (-X in tags since those were freebies and don’t have worth, unless ur comfortable trading for those ) or my ufo folder ( adopts and tent included )

I wasn’t expecting this- so I’m sorry about your offer for Sakura mochi 😭 but like, if I’m able to have them be shipped I would so use her and she and him would go straight into my hyper-fixated folder and I would love them forever and ever and ever- I also still love the other two I linked and the ideas I had for them- idk what we can work out but I’d love to hear your opinions/ideas on all this!! We can also move to discord if that’s easier :)) ( believe we’re both in zorbias server!! ) it’s late so I have to sleep, but I will be checking notifs in the morning!!

Wrote this before your reply sobbing so sorry if it’s out of place

I will DM you on discord!! 

What are you looking for for em? (Im guessing EO means entertaining offers?)
edit: nvm im dumb i read the description
i can send you some stuff on discord :3