Akito Goto



5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Goto Akito

Birthday: 11/26

Height: 5'10 (180 cm)

Personality: Akito, despite his 'darker' hero costume, is actually quite cheerful and upbeat. He is confident in his abilities in fighting, but is willing to admit his mistakes and downfalls. He is always striving to help those around him, even to his own detriment. He will attempt to boost the confidence of his peers, but is not explosively loud. He respects authority, and admires all heroes, even when they fail. Failure to him is just a part of life, and they are necessary in order to improve. Although he is friendly to all, he tends to not do well in social situations, being seen as a bit awkward. He can give a great motivational speech or a much needed pep talk, but regular conversations or small talk are difficult for him to keep up with. Thus, he tends to keep to himself, yet not unwilling to go out to hang with his classmates or friends.

Hero Name: Recurve

Quirk: Bow Construction

  • Creates bows out of any solid material like concrete, brick, metal, plastic, paper, glass, etc.
  • Arrows are made of energy projected by Hiro
  • Creating the bow does not tire him, but the more arrows he creates, the more exhausted he becomes
  • If he creates too many arrows, he may pass out

Fighting Style: Hiro is a distance fighter, using a bow and arrow from rooftops. However, he is still a master of close up fighting, using his bow as a club to attack. His main issue is in the capture of villains. He carries handcuffs with him in the front pocket of his hoodie at all times, in order to attempt capture of the villains he fights. Sometimes, they get away.