Oshen Syde (fursona)



5 years, 9 months ago



10639092_xi5yFprOan3ycMO.pngOshen Syde
Gender:Bigender (Boygirl)
Species:Killer Whale (Type B)
Age:22 Years Old
Build:Chubby & Stocky
Theme:my antarctica


An orca that lives in Antarctic waters. She has a large pod that she dutifully loves and protects, yet she is usually seen alone and traveling. A total introvert that gets exhausted easily from the company of others, but this doesn't mean she dislikes having friends.
She is very shy at first approach, but can quickly warm up to someone if they are kind and gentle with her. She dislikes being in groups and crowded places, as it gives her a lot of anxiety. She is very energetic when in her comfort zone, and can act immature at times because she is a child at heart.
She loves the ocean and its creatures, to the point that she has become vegetarian and eats only kelp and other algae. However she also likes to eat eggs, and might give in to her primal desire to have meat at times (especially if she's very hungry.) She loves to eat, especially sweets! Her favorite hobby is to go on nature walks (swims) and observe other people or animals. and to daydream. She loves icebergs and ice floes and thinks they're very pretty.
She doesn't like litterbugs and is very passionate about keeping the seas healthy. She hates wasting her time and can get angry very easily,  She needs lots of time to herself and needs to be able to work with her own rules to keep stress at bay.
Anthro Attributes:
Has a tall stocky build with a masculine body and pear shaped hips. Long hair that can either be sandy blonde or brown, and can either be straight and neat or shaggy. Always has bangs that can either be straight or messy.
Very very attentive to health even though not perfect at it, so weight can fluctuate a lot. Works out a lot so has a toned body.
Usually wears a bleached denim dress shirt and denim jeans. Has many earings, but is usually wearing the bronze anchor ones.