


5 months, 4 days ago


Full Name -- ???

 Nickname -- "Larry" 

Age -- Who Knows 

Gender/Pronouns -- agender it/he 

Sexuality -- Asexual 

Species -- "Intern"-passing... Definitely not a Bracken in a suit 

Likes - Scrap, blood, dancing, art 

Dislikes - other Interns, Loot Bugs, being examined too closely 

Appearance -- A fairly tall Intern in a hot pink suit. Old blood spatters visible around the wrists and the neck of the suit where the helmet meets the vinyl. A large crack spiderwebs across the visor, distorting the vision of anyone who tries to peer inside. The nametag on the front of its suit says "LARY" in childish scrawl, with the rank of VIP EMPLOYEE above. Two white dots can be seen inside the helmet from certain angles. The tanks on the back of its suit which usually store an intern's oxygen are empty and covered in amateurish doodles of what an alien would think earth flowers look like. That's to say, they're really bad and slightly unsettling. The suit looks slightly stretched beyond its limits in some places around the ribs and spine, as if stuffing too many limbs into something not designed for them.

Personality -- Fairly quiet and focused on his work. Definitely a lone-wolf type, preferring to search for scrap on its own. If left alone with another Intern for too long, may be prone to violence (usually in the form of snapping the neck and then consuming the other). It's not malicious necessarily, just prone to falling to its baser instincts as a Bracken.

 Short Bio: "Larry" is a plant from The Company tasked with surveillance on top of collecting scrap. Its main focus lies in ensuring maximum Company profit, eliminating the weakest link, and sniffing out (and dealing with) those who would defect. Its true passion lies in scrap collection, however; it favors paintings, rubber ducks, toy teeth, and other objects that are reminiscent of human spirit, creativity, and whimsy.