Park Yun-seo



5 months, 14 days ago


뛰어갈텐데 훨훨 날아갈텐데
그대 내맘에 들어오면은


Name Park Yun-seo
Age 367
Alias Yun, YunYun
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns He / Him
Role Mechanic
Race Spider

아이처럼 뛰어가지 않아도
나비따라 떠나가지 않아도

  • His goggles are meant to represent little spider eyes. They also work like magnifying glasses. Why are they red? Magic tint that makes it easier for him to see specific things in his work.
  • Yun is specifically something like a type of funnel spider, but he was not intentionally designed after a specific spider.
  • His eyes come from his mom.
  • The function of the back spider legs are to help spin threads and webs into cloth or anything else. Unfortunately, as Yun does not often do textile work, these legs are mostly a minor inconvenience to him.

The man behind Camellia Workshop, Yun-seo. Unlike his older brothers who took up their family's textile making business, he decided to devote himself to the art of making magi-tech. He has a specific interest in automatons and machines though, finding them fascinating to work with. Due to him not being the oldest child, he was able to pursue his hobbies as he pleased, leading him to become rather profecient in his job.

Of course though the success of his career is dwarfed by his wife's success. Due to being in charge of a blood bank that supplies and donates bloods to the thousands of vampires around the world, her work is a backbone of their society. Truthfully, he couldn't be more proud of her success, always supporting her in her endeavors.

While he lives away from his family at the vampiric haven of Utopia, he is still on good terms with all of his siblings and his mother... He would just rather not live in such a busy household is all.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

그렇게 오래오래 그대곁에 남아서
강물처럼 그대 곁에 흐르리

Magic weaving

His family's specialty, or rather his mother's specialty, is being able to weave magic into cloth. With this magic, they can turn clothes into magical items and ateliers often seek them out for aid in their fabrics, commissioning them for their work. His family is world renowned for this art and talent as it has proven useful time and time again.

While Yun does not himself specialize in this type of magic, it is still simple enough for him to do. He only creates small amounts every year though as it takes away time from his passion. Really he only uses this ability when he has to for one of his projects.

His sewing and embroidery skills are immaculate though, even if he has not had practice in a while.

Memory Manipulation

Most of the Park children have different fathers, mostly as a result of their mother's fickle nature. The ability Yun-seo inherited from his father is the power to manipulate memories. He does not use this ability often. Or rather, he has no reason to really use this ability at all. When he does though, it is quite a terrifying power.

With it, he can simply pluck out "undesired" memories and change them as if connecting different threads together. He can simply create his own to fill the void if you gave him enough time. He usually does not go through that much effort though. He usually does not have to. The only time he's really used this ability was when he felt like he had to in order to protect the person he loves.

Her memories tasted delicious. They were the best thing he's ever eaten, but he stopped himself from over indulging. He did not want to hurt her.

With power like his, it is quite easy to leave a person an empty husk of themselves if he is not careful. All it takes is removing all of someone's core memories to make them lose their sense of self... If he removed all of them, then that person would be left with nothing.

Mental manipulation

Another ability he inherited from his father was the ability to control people. It is essentially a sort of hypnosis spell where he can command the person affected to do whatever small task he wants. He usually really only uses it to shoo people out of his workshop when he is busy, or to get them to leave his wife alone when she is being swarmed by homewreckers.

More specific and difficult commands requires more effort for him to hold control over people unless that person trusts him a lot.


Park Yun-seo is one of the many, many children of Yeon-hwa, the "Mistress of iridescent silks." She is one of the most famed suppliers of magical cloth, crafting it with her own hands and imbuing it with her own magical energy. Her silks shine with the colors of the setting sun, and they have brought her once poor family a lot of prosperity over the years. With the prosperity her skills and talents brought her, she found herself determined to pass it on to as many offspring as possible... leading to the third oldest child of Yeon-hwa, Yun-seo.

Due to being the third oldest, he did not have as much pressure as his older siblings to take on the craft. Instead of making it his job, he made it his hobby and a sort of "side hustle." In exchange for this lighter load of the family tradition, he took it upon himself to be the main caretaker of his siblings whenever their mother (or one of their fathers) were not around. Even though he dislikes the noise his younger brothers and sisters make, he does still love all of them. After all, despite most of them having different fathers, they all grew up under the same household and share the same loving mother.

So Yun-seo did his best to take care of them between his own personal craft honing, but when one of his younger brothers was discovered to be sickly, he realized he needed extra help. That is why his mother hired a human doctor by the name of Lenore to help nurse the young boy to health. Although she was human, she was rather understanding with the boy's plight and offered to help when she heard Yeon-hwa's concern for her child... not fully expecting to be met with so many other children that her third son helped take care of.

When Yun-seo laid eyes on her, his life changed forever. He led her around the house and showed her each of the rooms she would likely frequent, and did his best to introduce her to all of his siblings. In that day, the two grew close with Lenore often making lighthearted comments that would draw Yun-seo in. Her care for his youngest brother also help chip away at his initial concerns about hiring outside help. She was a beautiful, kind woman.

Over the months the two got to know each other more, with Yun-seo often accompanying her outside in town to help with any shopping she would need to do, or taking over for her when she was too tired to work. At night the two talked and talked away. When it came time to partake in his town's festival, he made sure to bring her along, helping her get dressed in traditional clothing so she could enjoy it to the best of her ability as a thanks for everything. That festival night was when they first kissed—and when he had confessed his love for her under the lantern light.

Ever since then, the pair were inseperable. The whole town knew about their love and were quick to accept her in. She stayed and got to know everyone for another year, slowly becoming part of the family with each passing week. Lenore Graham was well beloved by the town—a sweetheart who brightened up people's days when they were down, the kind of woman who would help people in need no matter what her own circumstances were. She was a brilliant woman.

So why did she have to die?

It is a scene that often replays in his nightmares—the sight of Lenore's body at the far end of his work room. He came home late from helping a neighbor with a recent break-in, repairing what was broken while helping them with the locksmith. There have been a string of break-ins in the neighborhood. Never did he think the reason why was because of her.

Her ex-fiancé held a knife in his hand. Yun-seo only recognized him from the pictures Lenore showed him when she confided in him about how awful the breakup was, and how she felt like a coward for running away after it. Apparently he came back looking for her.

When he saw Yun-seo, he lunged at him too, trying to stab him as well.

Yun-seo hit him with his wrench until he stopped moving.

When the shock wore off, he threw the corpse aside and rushed to Lenore who was barely alive. Horrified, he had no idea what to do to help her. The most he could do was stabilize her wounds, but she was barely hanging on by a thread as is with how many times she had been stabbed. He did the next best thing.

Wrapping her body in a blanket, he carried her over to his childhood friend's home, asking for her to turn Lenore into a vampire, that he did not want to lose her. Unable to shake away the desperate look in his eyes, his friend complied, worried that it would not do much for the woman.

It was a miracle she made it back alive. When he condition stabilized, he went through her memories and slowly peeled away every little idea that she was once human, and of the man who nearly killed her. The last thing he wanted was for her to wake up in shock of her transformation or the idea that she had died. His friend disagreed with his actions, but left it up to him.

When Lenore awoke, she seemed fine, and that was all that Yun-seo could ask for.

The couple stayed in his hometown for a few more years, with him keeping a close eye on her, worried someone or something would rip her away again. Ten years later, the pair married officially, and he stuck rather close to her. Once he confirmed that she seemed fine, he whisked her off to the vampiric kingdom of Utopia so they could start a new life away from it all. He could hardly bare to be in his old work room... but now that they moved far, far away, they can start anew.

He did his best to support all of her endeavors, and once she finally succeeded in fully fixing up the kingdom's blood bank, Yun-seo began to loosen up. His childhood friend followed them to the kingdom, not wanting to leave her anti-social buddy alone while his wife was working hard. She helped him set up a workshop and encouraged him to get started on his own dreams once more, and that Lenore would love it.

So he now works as one of the kingdom's best mechanics and magitech craftsmen, often being called to help around the kingdom whether the problem is big or small. He is still rather awkward, and part of him dislikes being so far away from family and his old neighborhood that he knew... but this change of pace is also nice. Yun-seo enjoys his life with Lenore, making sure to cherish her even more than he did before.


  • Yun-seo has a thing for goth/alt girls.
  • His favorite food is gamjatang as it helps fill him up after a hard day's work. He claims his favorite food is "whatever Lenore cooks" but considering Lenore's cooking skill... That is rather debatable.
  • He tends to dislike fried food because of his greasy it gets, only ordering it if he knows it's not too oily.
  • Lenore came up with the name of his workshop.

뛰어갈텐데 날아갈텐데
그대 내맘에 들어오면은

Birthday November 20th
Height 187cm
Hobbies Tinkering
Likes Lenore, robots
Dislikes Being away from Lenore


Lenore is Yun-seo's wife. He would do just about anything for her if it meant she was safe and happy. When the two are together, he is endlessly devoted to her. All he wants is for her to live a good, happy life. He thinks that she deserves so much better, so he tends to do a bit too much in order to please her... even if she is not at all too hard to please.

He feels guilt for what had to be done to her, and part of him feels bad for eating her memories. Yun-seo never brings it up to her, scared that she would reject him.

When he is away from Lenore for too long he sulks in his workshop rather pathetically.

Childhood friend

Ji-an is Yun-seo's childhood friend... and his ex-girlfriend. The two are on really good terms, really only splitting up due to her not wanting to be tied down by anyone. He respected that, and the pair remain close friends. When Yun-seo moved to Utopia with Lenore, she followed them to make sure the shy and anti-social YunYun she knew from her youth would not feel so lonely and lost.

While she disagrees with his actions to steal Lenore's memories, she feels like she cannot comment on them as she is just the outsider in their relationship. The most she does now is reassure him that she thinks Lenore would not hate him for telling her the truth, but unfortunately her friend is both incredibly stubborn and... scared.