Acquiror Duo



Basic Info


Ms. [Charlene] Mr. [Gillian]


Archambeau, Charlene and Gillian [C/G. A]

Employee ID:

19795 / 19796

Suit Name:

Acquiror Duo


Regional Manager

Date of Hire:

4 Months Ago

Hiring Manager:



Gossip, Energetic Music, Performing on Stage, Partying


Party Crashers, Toon Music, Bad Vibes


Personal Statement:

"Heyyy so our dad wasn't lying when he said we are some of the most hardworking cogs you don't ever want to sleep on."

"Yeah like, Have been at the whole business thing since we first got into the music making scene."

"We are..."


"And Charlene"


"We simply won't disappoint you when it comes to business. Nope not at all, We bring nothing but the best to the table!~"

"Never ever settling for less, and if we were to disappoint then darling we can only improve for the better to make up for it. Outdoing literally everyone else."

"Surely you don't want to miss out on this opportunity of hiring us do you? If you want any proof of our amazing exploits and what not, we have paperwork available!~"

Disciplinary Records:

Noise Complaints, 2 weeks ago.

  • Complaints were called in my an anonymous employee about the duo being to loud and causing a disturbance that distracted others from being able to focus on their duties.
  • A Warning has yet to be issued.

Employment History:

  • Pop Idols
  • When asked about this, they showed us some of their music and references from their agent.


  • Efficient
  • Charming
  • Hard Working
  • Works well in a team setting
  • Persuasive


  • Prideful
  • Self-Absorbed
  • Demanding
  • Rude if you "ruin the vibe"

Additional Notes:

  • Must be kept away from Brian, he is hostile towards them for some unknown reason.
  • Bought out the toons music stores and music stations.
  • They appear to be successful in their endeavors in regards of the issues the company has been having with the toons.

Opening Remarks:

"The two are lovely to talk to, I even got the latest gossip from them- That's besides the point. What more important is that they are easy to talk to."

"Though I do wish they had a bit more professionalism in their manners of speaking..."


"The duo mentioned that they have experiences with selling their music, along with attracting business thanks to their father according to them."

Closing Remarks:

"The two would make a wonderful addition to the sales department with their experience."

"Would make a good placement over in Mezzo Melodyland."


  • Charlene tends to be the more sassy of the two while Gillian tends to be more relaxed. However both are prideful and a bit spoiled due to their upbringing.
  • Their Father is a Mr.Hollywood.
  • They are based off of the stereotypical preppy rich person type.
  • They are typically seen together often.
  • An Acquiror, is someone that acquires the rights to another business through a business deal. Acquirers will often buy out a business in order to take over its ownership, services, and contracts.
  • [TBA]