Rose Langdon



5 years, 10 months ago


1. Rose is my only oc that has tattoo's at the moment. Since she's in the gangsta fandom I figured it was the perfect time for it.

2. She actually paints her nails all the time, always a different color as well. She takes great pride in them. Sometimes she even files them down to a sharp point so that they can scratch them bad bitches >:3

3. Her favorite kind of music to listen too is definitely rap. She is able to learn the words rather quickly and loves singing them randomly.

4. When she was younger, she was very self conscious about her skin condition. A lot of people, usually children, would tease her about it. As she's grown older, she's learned to accept it and embrace it. Now, she loves how she looks.

5. The tips of her hair are dyed, always the same shade as she enjoys the ombre look it gives her.

6. Her closest friendship is with Nicolas, or as she likes to call him, 'Pupper' because she seems to think he looks like some kind of puppy. No one else sees him like that though, always looking at her like she's crazy for calling him such a ridiculous name. Nic just accepted the name after a while, now finding it amusing.

7. She ended up learning sign language just so that she could fully communicate with Nic. The two of them often have full conversations.

8. When she was younger, she befriended a stray cat. She named him 'Noodle' and always gave him half of her food. Sadly, he ran off one day and never came back. Rose still doesn't know what exactly happened to him.