


5 months, 6 days ago


The Flick that changed Ernie's process with the clones. Initially, Ernie had killed "failed" clones, but after Spork showed up and was just their pleasant self, he decided to revamp his process. In a way, Spork kinda humanized the clones by being charming as hell. Ernie likely kept Spork around for a while, finding their Flick-like pep but childlike innocence and kindness to be incredibly refreshing after he had dealt with the last 3 Flicks attempting to kill him as soon as they woke up. Spork is one of the shortest Flicks, a foodie, and weirdly strong for such a little thing.

They are also the most self-assured Flick; they knew who they were as soon as they woke up, and correcting Ernie on their name was the first thing they said. Ernie was always curious as to how Spork sounded so sure of their name since they had no life experiences before meeting Ernie. Spork, much like a handful of the other clones, has referred to Ernie as their dad. In this case, however, even their relationship feels a bit like a parental one, something Ernie feels a bit silly about since he had always seen clones as less human before Spork showed up, so he wouldn't have ever devoted any time to one of them. Eventually, after spending quite a while living with Ernie, Spork left to explore and spread their non-violent peppy Flick-ness!

Instead of having a demon to grant demonic power, Spork wound up with an angel! Angels and demons aren't far off from one another biologically, and the clones already wound up slightly differently, it seems some of the changes affected the demon this time. This granted Spork an angelic possession, giving them angel magic and wings (when fused)!