


5 months, 6 days ago


Flick's most evil and powerful variation: Fly!

In an alternate universe Flick completely fused with the demon in her head, becoming two people mixed into one named Fly (Flick/FI)

? In this universe, Flick never goes on her path to redemption, leading to rejection from Neko, sending her deep into her obsession with the kind, yet volatile demon in her head.
? In this universe, Past Flick would have found her demonic power but perhaps immediately fell into an obsession.

She's become so absorbed into this form, this power and ego, that she has destroyed everything she once cared about. Her friendships, her aspirations, and even her formerly beloved cat Jorj no longer matter to her in the shadow of her own greatness and power. She's killed off her friends, her clones, and everyone from her universe that could have mattered and given her the stability and sense of belonging and home that Flick has. With her universe empty, Fly absorbs her cat Jorj to take his powers and uses his universe-hopping to go on a quest to destroy all of the other Flicks in existence, specifically targeting OG Flick as the center of it all in a desire to be the central anchoring point to the Flicks across the multiverse. This will culminate in a confrontation with OG Flick, resulting in the sacrifice of her demon. After witnessing OG demon doing something selfless for someone outside of Flick, Fly is knocked off kilter and struggles with the idea that her beloved obsession might be capable of caring about someone else as well.

In the end, no such attitude is capable of lasting and Fly will not stand the test of time. Eventually, she may find the compassion and love within her once again. But not before she's irreparably destroyed everything and everyone around her...leaving her with nothing and nobody to blame for it but herself. A broken Flick who allowed her obsession to poison everything.

She has the most tragic and intense Flick story we have and I absolutely love it.