


5 months, 20 days ago


🌺 Lani 🌺
name Lani Luvsya
Age 18
Gender Female
Birthday June 20
Species Sea Bunny
Height 4'7"
JOB Influencer
Home Bauble Beach
Ditzy • Bubbly • Energetic Lani is a gyaru influencer. She lives on the coast of Scampside where she loves to swim, surf, tan and play volleyball - just typical beach girlie things! She has a large following on social media for her positive attitude and lifestyle. She loves vlogging her life. Her vlogs are aimed towards older girls, where she shows her beach life, gossips about celebs and makeup tutorials.
She is a HUGE Extrovert. She LOVES when fans approach her in public! She will take selfies and chat for a while if her fans let her! She knows she couldn't be as big as she is without her fans so she adores them like they are all her sisters and brothers!
Along with being a full-time vlogger, she also does a lot of modeling on the side! She obviously does a lot of beachwear shoots, but also loves wearing anything kawaii. Since she's so colorful and spunky, she looks cute in just about anything! Despite her "ditzy" appearance, she's a very professional and takes her job seriously. You kinda have to when you're as popular as she is!
  • Makeup
  • Eurobeat
  • Parties, clubs, wherever people are having fun!
  • Cold weather
  • Super salty foods
  • Guys who think they have a chance with her

  • Her fans are called bimbuns - bimbo bunnies!
  • She has a heavy valley-girl accent, which she got teased for a lot growing up.

Lowkey addicted to the protein smoothies she makes and finds it super easy to match her energy. She's definitely shouted out Cora's shop more than a few times.

Feels like she's seen her before, but for some reason can't place where...