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7 Jan 2024, 2:38:48 pm



I have no idea,, I tried something tho so yay, not sure if I like it 100% and might change stuff at somepoint,, PLUS I might change them into an elf instead I'm sorry /hj I'LL MAKE A BETTER DRAWING OF THEM AT SOME OTHER POINT I SWEAR,,


hii sorry for lurking but i just wanted to say this looks awesome!! i love how you did the lighting, the sun shower vibes are immaculate (also feel free to change the design however you want)

:0 Thank you soso much for the nice words!! I really appreciate it!,, I love the design already as it is, a bunch, so if I do end up changing something it won't be much, I think they'd fit well into my one universe, so it would just be giving them pointy ears,, Ty again!!, ^^

looking forward to seeing what you do with them! have fun :D