Via ✟'s Comments

anyone in my Th except main & comfort interest you ?

hey! are they ufo? If not, do you do pings? ^^

i'm fine with offers! :D

okay! does anyone in my UFO folder interest you for her? I can also offer art!

i can offer two fulls and a bust! i can also add anyone here!

anyone in the purge folder?

Hihi!! Sadly I didn't see anyone id use much!! :< tysm for offering tho!!^^

ofc!! tysm for looking!

Howdy, I really liked this cutie and !!

I'd love to offer these OCs, and if you're willing to wait til tomorrow I can throw in some cash if need be ^^ (only one offlimits is Ink Blossom)

Hihi!! Sadly I didn't see anyone id use much! :< so sorry!! And as for usd feel free to lmk how much ur able to!! Tysm for offering tho!!^^

Yeah np !!

if you're willing, I can do $25 for each of them tomorrow when I get paid ^^

Hmmm...the lowest I could possibly do for each of them is probably 35-40 :< so sorry!!

Hiiii if ur still interested in this character I can give them to you for 25