Aarven Novaro



4 months, 22 days ago


Your name is AARVEN NOVARO and you're 22 sweeps old and you could be considered...off-spectrum. But you somehow make it work. You think the fins give you some lee-way. Gives you a hint of regality, you know? But you're more punk rock than that. You love to SHRED on your guitar and spend a lot of your free time writing music. You also play the DRUMS and have a habit of tapping out beats on whatever surfaces are around with the pair of sticks you keep on hand. 

You're a bit of a loner - you don't have too many close aquaintences and don't even have a steady band gig, despite your love of playing, prefering to be a stand-in for a few local groups. You could probably make it big but, hey, just cause no one is trying to kill you for being off-spectrum now doesn't mean it won't happen eventually. So you tend to kinda keep people at arm's length. You're a bit bratty and dimissive, but it's mostly to keep people from getting too close.

When you're not playing music, you manage a small, struggling record shop that you inherited from the former owner.

trollhandle: icandescentVirtuoso

pronouns: they/them

strife specibus: Brass-knuckle-kind

height: 6'4

lusus: Vampire Squid (deceased)


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