Would you possibly be interested in 2 colored fullbodies for them? https://www.deviantart.com/luckdown/gallery/88954794/pkmn-block

Hello! I can offer one of my Pokémon fusion designs for them if you’re interested: 


If you’re not interested in either of them, what price are you wanting for them in usd? I should be able to purchase once I’m paid, which would be tomorrow =]

not super interested in either design, sorry! and hm, honestly im not sure? feel free to shoot an offer haha

Alright! Let me see how much money I'm paid so I can be sure and then I'll be back with an offer later today :)

hey, are you still interested? i have another offer on this guy on discord so i just wanna know if you plan to offer? haha

Oh yeah I'm so sorry! I'll have to retract my offer, I was just hospitalized for a kidney stone and havent been really focused on toyhouse much. So sorry it didn't work out and I forgot to say anything