Cricet "Tetris" Aratus



5 months, 20 days ago


Cricet "Tetris" Aratus



Name Cricet Aratus
Alias Tetris
Age 11 Sweeps
Height 5'6
Pronouns He/Him
Blood Olive
Affliation Fleet
Occupation Re-Education

05olive.png ==> Be the SPEEDY PSION


Despite what his job and a lifetime in the fleet might suggest, Tetris is laid-back and good-natured, almost to a fault. He's more than happy to go with the flow and let things wash over him, and few people will ever find him making a rash decision. He is generally polite and amicable, though he is somewhat lacking in decorum.

There's only one thing that really gets under Tetris' skin-- restricting his access to his games.

Skills and Powers

Can manipulate the rate at which brains process information.

Thinks at an accelerated rate.

Regular levitation psionics.

The Important Parts

Hatched in the famous cavern town of Thorezille, Tetris––then known only as Cricet––began exhibiting unique psionic abilities at a remarkably young age. Given the town's affiliation with the Empire, it came as little surprise when a prominent Fleet official demanded he be conscripted at only three sweeps old. Much of his early life was spent being bounced from overseer to overseer, constantly shuffled onto different crews when his powers proved too difficult to master. Despite the lack of stability, he excelled at keeping his spirits high, and was always eager to please whoever he happened to be working under.

During his turbulent childhood, Cricet quickly became known for his passion for retro gaming, an interest that eventually earned him the nickname he goes by today. Even in his youth, one was unlikely to find the psion without his handheld Tetris console, his favorite game and most prized possession. The console's been replaced several times over the sweeps, but as long as he has one, he's happy, and this has always been the case. The other side of this, of course, is that being without one makes Tetris significantly unhappy, which is never something you want when powerful psionics are in play. In fact, many of Tetris' transfers came directly after incidents that saw his console confiscated or destroyed, resulting in intense (though thankfully temporary) psychological effects on those in his vicinity.

Though there were, of course, a number of kind trolls amongst those he was exposed to growing up, Tetris did not know true stability until he was placed under the supervision of one Commander Ostrei Mantle, known for managing powerful psions and dictating who is permitted to use them. Tetris feels very close to both Mantle and the rest of his team, considering them all a part of his family.


Ostrei Mantle

Though he's technically Mantle's subordinate, Tetris feels wholly at ease with the commander, and no official has ever shown him so much genuine respect and care. It's not uncommon to find Tetris hanging out in Mantle's office, clicking away on his game while the violet deals with his paperwork.

Doctor Alcess Alaska

Many things can be said about the way Doctor Alaska views the psions under his care, but as far as Tetris is concerned, he's a good guy overall. He's seen his fair share of doctors and scientists growing up in the Fleet, and Alaska at least cares enough to give the illusion that he cares a lot.


A member of Mantle's core reeducation team, Jackie and Tetris get along like a hive on fire. He enjoys inviting her to his room to play games and hang out, and their powers mesh well together too! Jackie picks up new skills extrordinarily quickly, and Tetris can speed up that process even more.


Another on Mantle's main crew, Tetris and Deimic get along swimmingly as well. It's not hard to, considering how easygoing he is, but that doesn't make it less special. Tetris greatly enjoys her company.


The newest addition to Mantle's team, Tetris has already pegged Retcon as something of a troublemaker. That's alright, though. What is life without a little trouble? He thinks Retcon seems nice enough, and he wouldn't mind getting to know him.


Tetris' pet gecko and reported best friend, he's one of the only things that can reliably pull Tetris away from his games.


Tetris much prefers endless arcade style games to narrative ones, enjoying the repetition and simplicity.

If he's not playing on his Tetris console, he can often be found in his room playing with a Jakks Retro instead.

His lusus was a hamster.

Because his brain operates at an accelerated rate, he is somewhat prone to overstimulation.