


4 months, 8 days ago



"I'm looking for answers and you're going to give them to me. This can't go unsloved, not on my watch."

Name Darkheart

age 25 Moons

gender male | He/Him

sexuality Bisexual

rank Deputy

clan CavernClan

birth season Leaf-Fall

apprentice Hollowpaw

Darkheart is the current deputy of CavernClan, under Lightstar's leadership. He is on a mission to figure out why Eaglestar killed his grandfather and the deputy before him, Oakstar and Foxchaser. He is also trying to balance his role as deputy and peacemaker but all things are difficult as of late in the clans and he's not sure he can help everyone.

code by starsailrvee


art by me
  • squirrels
  • sunbathing
  • skipping stones
  • climbing
  • collecting feathers


  • eggs
  • milk
  • snow
  • swimming
  • leading

kindness 84%

creativity 50%

intelligence 75%

humor 22%

confidence 60%

notes & trivia

  • Shortest adult in the CavernClan
  • Second best fighter
    • first is Blizzardmask
  • He can swim just fine he just hates it
  • Believes Lightstar is not fit to be leader and actually hates being deputy
  • Deeply regrets not being there for Whitestripe and his kits because of the drama happening in CavernClan and wishes he could split himself into two


Darkheart was born the oldest kit but the smallest, so small that Icecloud, his mother, believed he wouldn't survive. He surpised everyone when he reached apprentice age and hates the fact that barley anyone thought he would live and hates his mother's neglect.

Once Darkpaw became an apprentice he would get Vulturstrike as a mentor and would push himself hard. He wanted to prove to everyone that despite his height he could be a good warrior. This lead to him ending up in the healer's den more than once due to exhaustion. He would recieve his warrior name after risking his life to save Icecloud and her newborn kit Russetkit from a collapsing tunnel.


During his first gathering as a new warrior, Darkheart would meet another new warrior named Whitestripe. The two hit it off right away and it would be one of Darkheart's happiest moments in his life. While they were from seprate clans (him being CavernClan and her SkyClan) they would manage to meet up anytime they could.

Whitestripe would eventually end up pregnet with their first litter, making Darkheart faint at first. Darkheart would go to SkyClan for the time being to help Whitestripe out and would hunt and lay with her, almost never leaving her side. When their kits were born they were both so overjoyed that it took them till sunhigh to calm down and name them, Molekit, Russetkit, and Creamkit.

Darkheart would stay as long as he could but would have to go back to CavernClan a few times to help out due to them being low on warriors. He hated being seprated from his family and talked to Whitestripe about moving to CavernClan. While she was intrested in the idea she wasn't completely sure, especially as she was sick and couldn't really move. Darkheart was once again forced to be away from his family due to Blizzardmask and Bluefire coming to SkyClan and telling him briskly of what was happening in CavernClan. They rushed over to CavernClan and Darkheart was shocked to see MoorClan and SwampClan warriors attacking. They jumped into the battle and were relieved to see CreekClan warriors rushing in to help, making the odds shift drastically.

The battle ended when Eaglestar and Lynxstar left, leaving Oakstar and Foxchaser dead due to a rockfall and taking Maplemask's kits with them. Lightfur claimed that he would be the new leader since no one else was willing to take up the task and tried to make Bluefire his deputy but their middle brother refused the offer. Lightfur would then make Darkheart his deputy, much to Dark's annoyance. Once morning came and Oakstar and Foxchaser were burried, CavernClan was surpised to see a small patrol of Whitestripe (who is currently sick), her brother Hawkwing, and her sister Falconleap. Whitestripe would tell Darkheart that their kits were killed by a CreekClan warrior named Tigerfrost and the news would leave Darkheart devestated. Whitestripe would then move into the clan and Darkheart would constatnly wish he could have been in two places at once that night.

Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab

Darkheart's mate and bestfriend. Darkheart loves Whitestripe with a burning passion and would do anything for her. He is excited for their next litter and vows that he will do whatever it takes to protect them all, especially with how tense the clans have become. He claims Whitestripe to be the brightest star in his sky.

Haresight is Darkheart's closest friend despite him being from MoorClan. Their relationship was almost ruined by Eaglestar and Lynxstar's attack but Darkheart claims he doesn't hold anything against Haresight for something he couldn't control. They are now working together in trying to save the clans of the darkness lurking.

Blizzardmask is a good friend of Darkheart's and to casually trian with him from time to time. Darkheart even helped mentor Coppertail for a short while when Blizzardmask was sick.