


4 months, 27 days ago


Name Adonis

Former Names Name

Gender Male (He/Him)

Orientation Bisexual

Age 42 moons

Rank Overseer/Warden

Residence Stonewardens

Mentor Mentor

Apprentice Apprentice

Voice content



The Overseer of the Stonewardens, Adonis holds a respected rank within the colony. A flirty young tom, he easily befriends those in the colony and treats them as equals, for he doesn't believe himself as being above those around him.

Adonis holds Cruor in high regard, and will listen to whatever he says no matter what. In some cases, Adonis has even attacked other Stonewardens on Cruor's orders, and has felt no remorse for it. His loyalty does extend to the Stonewardens as well, however. Adonis holds a hatred towards the FrigidClan cats, and will do everything in his power in order to destroy them under his paws.


Adonis is a medium-sized cat.

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Design notes

A quick thinker, Adonis is overly loyal to Cruor. The Stonewardens at large come next in his loyalty. He will gladly lay down his life for those he cares about, even if they don't want him to. However, due to this loyalty, Adonis is also known for jumping into fights and assuming he knows that those he cares about are thinking. This often ends in disaster. He's also wildly flirtatious with those around him, giving special nicknames to those he cares about. Adonis is highly sadistic and cruel, willing to kill because he believes it to be fun.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor. Non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci. Nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam.

  • Rabbits
  • Sunset
  • Patrols
  • Terrorizing "frosties"
  • Any fish
  • Sitting still
  • content


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Adonis was born of ash and flame as the single kit in the litter to Sawyer and Fantasia. Both rogues, he doesn't remember much about them, only that they loved him very much. When Adonis was only 1 moon old, his parents unfortunately were the victims of a forest fire, where they perished, leaving a tiny Adonis alone. Thankfully, the friendliness of a passing rogue was what saved him. Her name was Mother Molly, and she called herself the Queen of Shadehaven. Little Adonis at the time had no idea what a queen was. She explained it meant she had power, she ruled over cats who bowed to her every whim. Mother Molly took him in, promising to give him power as a price. Poor, naïve, innocent Adonis believed it to be true.

Shadehaven was not a heaven for cats, where they would live in peace and harmony. It was a cruel, brutal place with no love for anyone. Mother Molly forced cats to battle to the death for her own amusement. She had brought Adonis there to become her new champion... or to die trying. These cats would fight to the death as young as 4 moons olds, and Adonis was no exception. Gone was the warmth Mother Molly had once shown him. Now he was tossed into the pits, trained to become the new champion. At first, it seemed like tiny Adonis would die in the pits. That he would be crushed beneath his opponents. But somehow, he managed to survive, and grew into a dangerous warrior. Mother Molly was shocked by the cruelty he showed in battle, slaughtering opponents without thinking. As easy as breathing. But the life of a mindless killer was not one Adonis wished to live forever. He heard stories from his opponents of a world outside, a world different from where he lived.

Determined to escape, Adonis killed Mother Molly during one of his fights and fled the scene. Though the Shadehaven cats chased after him, he managed to escape. At the time, he was only 8 moons old, barely a young adult. Adonis had wandered. Lost. Defeated. Unloved. Unwanted. The world outside of Shadehaven was just as cruel as inside it, for no one wanted to help a mindless killer. He had stayed on the run for many moons, a tom barely a year old. He nearly starved to death multiple times, for no one in Shadehaven bothered to teach him how to hunt. He was thin as a stick, only clinging to life due to spite and hatred. Soon, however, he would not be alone. He had heard of cats living in the mountains from the many cats he defeated in Shadehaven. Cats who were protective, who would take him in.

Making the perilous trek, he decided he would make it to the mountains or die trying. When he arrived, he was immediately left with hostility. The Stonewardens were protective of their territory, and poor Adonis—already on the verge of death—was roughed up further. To this day, most of his scars come from the night he arrived. He was dragged to Cruor, barely a cat and more an empty vessel of flesh and blood. Though Cruor originally had plans to send Adonis back into the wilderness, Adonis made a simple request: he begged Cruor to kill him, to end his pathetic life. He knew he was already knocking at death's door, and there was nothing he could do to change things. But in this empty vessel, Cruor saw a being he could give purpose. A being he could mold. The Stonewardens had been struggling due to Cruor's reluctants to appoint a new warden, as most reared their true, ugly colors once they were in power, rendering cats either kicked out, compliant, or dead. Their numbers had been low for a few years. And when Cruor laid eyes on Adonis, Cruor found a new overseer. Adonis was desperate, barely holding any identity, unable to cause any problems... so Cruor let him stay with the intentions of shaping him into the perfect overseer. He let Adonis know he was not showing pity, and soon enough Adonis took the position of overseer.

Entering adulthood, Adonis found himself as the respected overseer of the Stonewardens. He was a cruel leader, only ever obeying Cruor no matter what he was ordered to do. The FrigidClan cats lived in fear whenever Adonis would do, for his cruelty was known throughout the forest. He was a terrifying omen.

Adonis grew a very close relationship with Stonearch, the mender of the Stonewardens. Stonearch had healed Adonis's wounds multiple times, while Adonis had saved Stonearch on herb patrols. The two became so close, they eventually considered each other brothers. Their closeness was noted by Cruor.


  • Prefix — insert explanation for their prefix
  • Suffix — insert explanation for their suffix.
  • Adonis features in a story.
  • Scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi.


Although the truth would have to be torn from his dead body, Adonis cares a lot about Pine. Her spirit matches his own, and he loves bantering with her. He also brings her out on hunting parties (aka dates) when they have free time.


Some say Adonis is too loyal to Cruor. If Cruor were to say the sky is green, then Adonis would believe him. He will do whatever it takes to please Cruor, even if it comes as a detriment to Adonis's own health.


Adonis considers Pine to be one of his best friends, and enjoys talking and chatting with them.


Adonis considers Stonearch to be his brother-in-arms, after all they've been through together. He gets embarassed when Stonearch teases him about Pine.

Mother Molly

Adoptive mother/mentor†

His new mother after he lost his old parents, Adonis truly looked up to Mother Molly, and believed her making him suffer was to make him into a better cat. However, he shook that off, and widely considers killing her to be his best decision.

Fantasia & Sawyer

Mother† & Father†

From what he remembers, Adonis has fond memorie sof his mother, but he remembers less of his father due to Sawyer often out hunting and patrolling their small territory. However, Adonis remembers Sawyer was the one who gave him his name. Fantasia often kept Adonis clean, and played mossball with him sometimes.


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