


5 months, 2 days ago



Nihilism [Phantom]
14th of April
Witch of the East
Shapeshifting and Mental Manipulation
just a witch
True Neutral

Matilda. A once Hollow roaming World 0 as a witch. She was taken in by the Lakkurson family and was taught witchcraft along side her younger sister, Angelica Lakkurson.

She learnt how to use her shapeshifting abilties via a witch from the Bell family and soon became a prominent witch in the community. Living around the Invictus Trench and protecting the many creatures that lived there

Matilda at this point was a kind and quiet soul. However constantly paranoid about something. She doesn't talk much amount her past nor about what she is and justs goes on about her life. Asking her about it will get you a non-answer or a deadly stare.

Years of peace would pass. Her previous resentment and hate disappering. However, in 1652, her mother, Ellis Lakkurson would soon be another victim to black purge. Desperate to hold onto any close connection she did have, she attempted to save her. Yet ultimatly, she was captured. Going through of agony once again before she was hung in the year 1666. Finally, Matilda could rest. Until she couldn't

After 10 years after her 'death', she awoken in the dark murkiness of the void. Confused, she would stumble out. Wandering Eastern London. Where she figured that she needed to consume human souls to survive. So in order to survive, she would lure villagers into a forest and kill them. Feasting on their soul the second they died.

During that time, she met a young girl name Leia Bell, who managed to survive her tricks and illusions. Crowsinger is shocked by this child's skill and finds out that it is indeed a Bell. A descendant to her master. Due to that, she decided to spare Leia. Letting her free from her wrath.

However, soon after, she realised the suffering that Leia went through, deciding to then teach Leia the ways of witchcraft. As well teaching her how to use her shapeshifting abilties.

"Hello. What do you want ... teach you how to shapeshift? I'm afriad I cannot. Why? Isn't it obvious? Shapeshifting is an abilty that can only be accquired via natural means. So no. I cannot teach you. Leave me alone now."