


5 months, 9 days ago





Grade/ Class
1st year
November 30th
Dominant Hand
Scalding sands
Gargoyle research society
Best Subject
Potion making
The cold/winter
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Veggie puree
Making others sleep


Shy and closed off. She has a lot of social anxiety and she gets really uncomfortable and anxious if she’s surrounded by a lot of people she doesn’t know. She usually finds a “strong person” that can protect her and tries to make friends with them and gain their favour so she can feel “safe”. She often fails because she comes off as creepy instead (her expressions are often “weird”, specially her smile, because she’s so nervous she’s not natural at all) and she ends up being really upset.

She’s also quite nervous and skittish, moves around quickly and appears and disappears fast without anyone noticing. Prefers small and dark places where she feels safe, that’s when she really stops moving so much and finally can relax a bit, especially if she’s with people she trusts.

She often makes bad decisions because of her anxiety, so that’s why her familiar is so important and helps her so much. He’s the opposite of her, always calm and much more rational. He’ll start analysing the situation if he feels Akshaya gets too anxious and try to come up with the best solution to get her out of it (or make it better for her). She can’t always listen to him, especially if she is far too upset to be rational, but she really tries if not, because she knows he only has their best interest in mind and helps her a lot.

Her first instinct when she feels really scared or fears for her life is to flee or hide. But if there comes a situation where she can do neither of those, she’ll instead try to “intimidate”. She’d use her UM to make her familiar as huge as she can and have him hiss and show his fangs at the offender(s). That usually deters anyone who tries to harm them and makes them leave. But if it doesn’t… her familiar would defend her fiercely. It never has come to that so far, thankfully.


Born from a snake beastwoman mother and a human father, she has traits from both, which has made her socialisation difficult. She’s too much of a snakefolk for the humans and too much of a human for the snakefolk, so she was always rejected by both. She ended up alone most of her childhood, barely having anyone to play with her, aside from some of the kids at her school who would let her join sometimes, but not treating her too well.

Even with all that, she was never truly alone. Since she was really small she was with her familiar. A snake that bonded to her and who shares her life and magic with her. Since their life forces are connected, he ages at the same rate as she does and, if one is hurt, the other feels it and vice-versa. They also can easily communicate, he speaks in a really low voice, but since he’s always close to he,r she can still hear. Others might be able to understand him too, but he usually stays hidden inside her clothes and not letting anyone else see him unless it’s necessary or it’s night time (when he’s most active). They both take decisions together most of the time, or he’ll give advice to Akshaya as a sort of “conscience” when she’s gonna make a bad decision. She usually listens to him and tries to do as he says… if she can bring herself to do it.

After such an isolated life, she ended up receiving an invitation to attend NRC. No one was really surprised since her magic is quite strong and she’s good at controlling it. She had a lot of anxiety about joining, though. After her isolation she ended up being really shy and socially anxious, so going away from her family, not knowing anyone and also in a school famous for their strong willed people?? Really scary! But she still decided to go to improve herself. It’s a really unique opportunity, after all!

Unique magic

“(Name pending)” - Can change the size of her snake familiar to make him tiny or huge, depending on her needs.

Fun Facts

  • Based on Kaa from the Jungle Book.
  • Her name is derived from Sanskrit अक्षय (akṣaya) meaning "eternal, imperishable" (literally "not decaying").
  • Her familiar’s name is Kuldeep, but she usually calls him Kula. From Sanskrit कुल (kula) meaning "family" and दीप (dipa) meaning "lamp, light".
  • She’s great at potion making of any kind, but she’s especially adept at making sleep potions. They always have a really strong potency and duration.
  • Her familiar is always under her clothes, curled around her waist and with his head resting on her shoulder. He spends most of the day sleeping, unless something wakes him up. He’s much more active at night and keeps guard on Akshaya while she sleeps, just as she takes care of him when he sleeps.
  • Kuldeep is an Indian Phython (Python molurus), the species of snake Kaa is supposed to be.
  • Akshaya has slitted pupils, snake fangs and a lot of scales in various patches around her body. She’s usually all covered up so you can only see the ones on her face. Also, her body temperature is lower than an average human, so she always feels cool to the touch.
  • The reason why she uses she/they is not because she’s nb (although she doesn’t care much for how she’s perceived and likes looking androgynous). She just often uses “they” because she means her and Kuldeep as a set, since she’s not alone. People didn’t know that was the reason (not knowing she had a familiar with her all the time, since he stays so well hidden), and with her androgynous looks, weren’t sure of her gender/assumed nb, and started using “they” for her, as she often did. She never thought it was weird since it’s still correct when referring to both of them, so she never corrects anyone.