Blanco's Comments

Blanco is my little progress support so i'm going to save this here.

For the map, think of natural landmarks that you can work around. What biomes you have/want/need; What dinoguys live where and what other species might live there too (no need to bullet point EVERY one that might be there, just some general idea. Remember that you work with a now-changing world so migrations and such are possible); you could think of what they eat, from where, do they have access to water and such.... but i bet for your little brain it maaay be too much; decide which dinozaurs of yours are fully mobile and on the move, like Orphelius or Rye I assume, and which are just living in some region, like prob Delta, Rocco. 

For landmarks, I could see like a huge gem infused night-time glowing tree, which probably would be an old tree that got infected similarly how Quzo was, but in more 'prettier' way. Perhaps some specific type of bugs/insects could be captured and lured in by it? Do the magic flora eat like normal plants do btw? Think about that, think!

Note for myself. Please, please, buy one day this base and do them on it... future me, please?
Like, I swear, if you won't i WILL come from the past and honk at you. Brutally.