Thomas Huey



4 months, 16 days ago


Tom is an old friend of Emery's. He was the first one to find them after they fled the Kellis household and got them a job at the newspaper.
As teenagers, as Prints was beginning to experiment with their gender presentation, Tom found himself inexplicably attracted to them, and asked them out, but their relationship was kind of doomed from the start. Tom was gay and in a self-denial phase, and kept trying to push Emery to be more feminine so that people wouldn't think that Tom was gay, despite the fact that he was attracted to Emery's masculinity. The whole thing ended very badly, but now as adults they're talked it out and have gotten over their grievances.
Tom is how happily married to a man and has adopted his niece and nephew. He still works at the newspaper, having graduated from newsie to a reporter.