[ DIU ] Kiyomi Mori



6 years, 1 month ago


Diamond Is Unbreakable

Kiyomi Mori


Age: 17 years old 

Stand Name: En Vogue
Power - C

Speed - D

Range - C

Durability - C

Precision - D

Potential - A

Description: The ability to live more than one life-time. Variation of Self-Resurrection. The user is able to be come back to life after being killed or fatally wounded, giving them multiple chances to live and can review and avoid the mistakes that led to their death.

Love Interest: Rohan Kishibe

  • Kiyomi has an overall pleasant demeanor, she can get along with most people which is something that's apparent in her relationship with Rohan
  • She's very involved with school activities, dabbling in various clubs and duties
  • Kiyomi was born and raised in an influential family within the Morioh community, hence she's rather popular with fellow students
  • Kiyomi takes archery and fencing lessons, she also can play the violin
  • She's an avid reader of Pink Dark Boy, thoroughly invested in the characters and plot and loves to watch Rohan as he works
  • She thinks of Koichi as a brother and often gets mistaken for being a love rival to Yukako (she's not please let her be)
  • Kiyomi wears the same pair of magenta drop earrings, a passing gift from her late mother
  • She spends a lot of time at Rohan's house, occasionally helping him model or making sure he eats when he's working
  • She also doubles as an assistant when Koichi can't help, although she's more of a maid than an assistant 
  • Kiyomi is often the in-between when Rohan and Josuke get at each others throats
  • Kiyomi is baby, but baby that will suplex you
  • She's actually pretty strong and decent when it comes to fighting, she just spends her time doing anything but
Focused | Compassionate | Cheerful | Happy-go-lucky | Dependent | Calm | Generous | Stern