


9 years, 4 months ago


Rose used to be a sniper for the military, and later after he was released from duty and became traveling medic in the Seraph Blue corporation that provided medical treatments to ailing and low income countries and villages. The work was rewarding and helped alleviate the heavy conscious he had from lives he had taken. Unfortunately life had no plans to be fair to this grem . an attack by some thugs to steal the drugs they had while camping in a poor village. The guards who had gotten lazy were unprepared for the attack and were quickly overtaken, and the doctors were left unable to defend themselves. Rose though was able to hold his own for a while protecting the patients and important medical supplies. Unfortunately he too was over powered and was trapped inside when the tent was set ablaze and he was forced to watch many of the practices who were bedridden die as he attempted to escape. while he did finally manage to make it from the smoldering village alive the time it took to find help and civilization had resulted in permanent nerve damage that left him unable to continue practicing medicine.
Frustrated with his failure and the fact he could no longer practice medicine he returned home putting on a strong front acting as if nothing was wrong. Now days rose can usually be found at bars, casinos, and clubs drinking and laughing, and entertaining people with outrageous stories about his injuries and trying to drink away his fears and regrets.

Rose is a highly hedonistic and troubled individual, he suffers from night terrors and is easily triggered by fire and explosions. he tends to try and medicate his problems with drinking and gambling and because of this is often forced to borrow money (that he rarely pays back) and has landed himself in trouble with more than one unsavory person.
kind-hearted, unreliable, paranoid, anxious, easily startled, slow to trust, impulsive, emotionally stunted, loyal, but still a huge coward, lots of self loathing issues. This kid is a fucking mess.