Wolfram Black



8 months, 18 days ago


Wolfram was a once strong-willed soul that lived within Old KingdomsVille's walls. He was a valiant warrior who fought for his land no matter the cost, even if it should risk his life.

Wolfram spent most of his life focusing on the battlefield, or bullying his brother Adurite whenever he felt like it. He had a good life, surrounded by good people. One day, he got lucky and met someone he felt he could spend the rest of his life with... even if it was frowned upon. He fell in love with a fox woman named Cecilia, and even though he was a wolf, he couldn't stay away from her as much as he tried. Even she would find herself gravitating towards him, and it was something they couldn't avoid eventually.

He married Cecilia and had a child with her, a daughter lovingly named Janina. Even though they were two different species, they were a happy couple. Wolfram would never admit it, but he also enjoyed having twelve other siblings outside of Adurite.

And then, as is life, with good luck comes bad luck. The war. It was quite sudden when it hit, even though preparations had gone on for months. Wolfram had a wife to care for, and a four year old to protect. He had no choice but to enlist in the war himself; he was a guard anyways. He never expected his wife would enlist too, and every day he wishes she didn't.

As the conflict raged, the explosives grew blinding. Wolfram was forced into the medical tent when his vision went black after a particularly large explosion. The shocks that waved through his body as shudders and twitches, every blink agonizing... it was hell on Earth. And yet, the entire time, all he could think about was his wife out on the battlefield. Every move that he made to leave, to return to the fighting despite his worsening blindness, he had to stop.

Only after the war was over did he learn of the death toll, and learn their names. Among them was hers; Cecilia Black. With bandages wrapped around his head, trying to salvage whatever vision he had left, he couldn't even see her body. He had been brought to her, and though her soft hair was familiar in his paws, he couldn't look at her... but he could smell the blood. He had lost two things that day; his sight, and his love. And eventually, he lost his voice.

Wracked with grief and guilt, Wolfram became completely mute. Never again would he speak after the loss of his one true love, not even to his daughter. He cared for her as he could even though he could not see her as she began to grow. He continued to visit Cecilia's grave even though he couldn't read her tombstone. It was his own decision that he retired from the city guard, to focus on healing and focus on his family. Even though he can navigate his home without a guide, he still finds himself running into walls as memories wash and wave over his mind.

How he wishes he could take it all back, and have a second chance at stopping her.