


8 months, 28 days ago


Dorothy 'Dodie' Hyde



irish 🇮🇪


minor character idk why she has a toyhouse profile actually


Dodie Hyde is the Little Happens Police Station's receptionist/records clerk. 

She's not particularly enthusiastic about her job as she's never quite fancied a life of pencil-pushing, plus her older jobs were much more "admirable."

Dodie is a grumpy and irritable office clerk who does not suffer fools gladly. She can be a smart aleck with a wicked tongue and a sharp wit, but deep down she has a softer side that only comes to the surface if one takes the time to really get to know her. 

In general Dodie is a nice enough lady but just has some anger management issues; and being in a job she hates does absolutely nothing to help her with it. Because of this she's often very snappy and irritable.

If you're on her good side she can make a very loyal friend and also gives good advice (and shares good gossip.)


-pink is her favourite colour. aside from her pink lipstick, she also has pink tinted glasses.

-she has 3 adult children 

-has an excellent memory.

-i chose for hyde to be her surname as a reference to jekyll + hyde (my fav book ever xx) because she can be quite temperamental without meaning it.

-keeps tissues up her sleeve 

-cery skilled at computing, typing and filing which makes her so good at the practical aspects of her job. She's a tad dodgy with the social aspects though but does genuinely try her best.


PC Thompson: she doesn't like his brashness and thinks he's too soft but treats him as nicely as she can manage.

PSCO Starr: dodie thinks he's a strange fella but she chalks it up to the naivety of newcomers. he also doesn't know how to use the bloody coffee machine. 

Harper: actually doesn't mind being in harper's company too much. she gives harper good advice whenever she's willing to listen.

PC Dobson: poor lad. 

Chief: gets along pretty well w/ him. they have the same lame kind of humour (or maybe they don't and dodie just gives him pity laughs.)


"Pens! They're the best friends you can have. Everything I know about people I learned from pens. If they don't work, you shake 'em. If they still don't work, you chuck 'em away, bin them!"

"Yup, that's all. Bish bash bosh."

"Starr. Starr. That's a bit of a joke of a name, isn't it - who does he think he is, Ringo??" 

"Sure you have, love. Well, enjoy it while it lasts. You'll soon be as bitter and twisted as the rest of us."