Manson "Legion" Hermanez



3 months, 27 days ago


Manson is a very gentle-hearted giant with a lot of passion for the small things in life. He learned at a very young age how to find happiness even when it seemed like there was nothing, and he shared all of it with his younger brother. His life got turned upside down when, after getting involved with some shady groups in order to bring home enough money to feed his siblings, Manson found himself in the middle of something he wanted nothing to do with.

Unfortunately for him, everything went downhill from there. He was transported to an underground location beneath Central where work and research on an operation called “Project Eternus” was happening. Manson started out as being vaguely curious about it, but he quickly learned that nothing about it or the compound was friendly.

He was only the latest in a line of others who were being experimented on as Central’s scientists searched for the cure to the one frontier that they had been unable to conquer: death. Manson had his entire genetic makeup scrambled and combined with a species of heavily armored and extremely venomous snake, which gave him the appearance and abilities he currently has.

Afterwards, he was forced into service, working as an undercover enforcer under the command of the Watcher Chief, Vale. At first, he refused to do what they ordered him to, but over time and through several traumatic experiences and threats, he lost his sense of himself and became just another one of the mindless puppets. Manson was actually one of the more successful experiments, and after it all he ended up with inhuman strength and durability, along with growing several feet taller.