Harper Marcus



5 years, 10 months ago


Harper Marcus

"We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what we love. That's OK." - Laverne Cox

  • Name Harper Marcus
  • Age 28
  • Gender Genderfluid
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Occupation Doctor
  • Sexuality Pansexual
  • Personality

    Sarcastic and has a dark/sometimes innapropriate sense of humour. Enjoys social situations to a certain extent (especially with alcohol), but enjoys being alone or with close friends more. They tend to stay out of politics, but will fight you if you say there are only two genders (or if you call Fallout a bad game). They aren't very creative, but are caring, which makes them good at their job.

    They also LOVE memes, and especially vines. Despite being in their late 20s, they are good at keeping up with current slang, and speak in casual settings more like a teenager and less like an adult with a well paying job and a medical degree.

  • Appearance

    Has a variety of hair colours, all of them bright and slightly obnoxious. They always wear their necklace thingy with the two beads and slenderman symbol. They also have a tattoo on their upper right arm.

  • Likes Crappy horror movies, Halloween, memes, video games (especially Fallout), medicine, reading, and jackets with patches
  • Dislikes Rom-coms, Katy Perry, for some reason, and politics
  • Backstory

    They were adopted by a couple in their 40s or so. Said couple doesn't really understand gender fluidity, but they're cool.

    They met Halle in grade school, and the two have been best friends ever since.

  • Halle Best friend

    They are ride or die, baby! The two originally met in first grade, and haven't spent like more than a week apart since. Their number one favourite actitivty is karaoke, and number two favourite is clothes shopping.

  • Chevelle Friend

    I don't totally know how they met, but them plus Halle are the karaoke gang.

  • Cal Friend

    They met through Chevelle, and bonded over love for video games. They have different tastes in games, and like to jokingly argue over it.

  • Sebastian Friend

  • Tattoo

    On their upper right arm, they have a tattoo of some weird wire-looking thing. I honestly have no idea what it is.

  • Trivia
    • ● Their aesthetic is space/retro/gay. Basically: you remeber the early 2000s when everybody wore silly bands and had a galaxy themed DS? That's the aesthetic.
    ● Can skateboard.
  • ● Has airpods, or whatever the knockoff version is in this universe.
  • Ref

    Girl in a jacket
  • Ref 2

    Girl in a jacket
  • Ref Sheet

    Girl in a jacket
  • ● Can be drawn with Halle!! Especially singing bad karaoke...
  • ● You're welcome to change their haircolour! Anything goes, as long as it's bright.
  • ● Also feel free to change up their outfit! Literally anything goes, as they wear clothes for all genders.
  • ● Them with Halle! They love singing karaoke together or really just doing anything together.
  • ● Them with their other friends
  • ● Spooky themed stuff! They love Slenderman lore and such, as well as just generally Halloween
  • ● Vine or meme themed stuff! Anything is game!
  • ● Also video game themed stuff - they love Fallout especially! Would love to see them as a character in the game (no spoilers please though!)
  • ● Anything fitting their general space and retro early 2000s aesthetic
  • ● At work - they're good at their job but still get up to a little mischief
  • ● Arms full of silly bands
  • ● Singing karaoke

profile html by Hukiolukio