Amphite Melitae



5 months, 10 days ago


Amphite Melitae is a siren humanoid that appears in my alternative universe called "Desolate world".

Character background 

 She is part of a viking clan where she mainly guards the ship, brings in supplies and distracts people such as guards so that the rest of the viking clan can do what they must. Her weapon is a crossbow and her aim is sharp. 

Siren traits

Her height is slightly taller than average due to the females of her species being bigger than the males. She won't be seen wearing shirts too often due to her gills being located at her chest, if she is to wear a top it would likely be a flowy one as to not restrict access to her gills. Due to her being a marine species that had recently evolved to be out of water for long periods of time, her nose is pretty flat and her nostrils close on their own when entering water to prevent her from drowning. Her teeth are sharp and long like a fish's teeth and when her mouth is fully closed they go into her skull. Her skin is rough and even scaley in some parts of her body such as her outer arms and legs.

Character style 

She loves wearing long skirts that flow with the air or water. She's also seen wearing many pieces of fabric tied around her waist or arms. She makes her own make up from sea cucumber slime and squid ink, she'll usually be seen wearing it.