Ocia's Comments

*pushes babu toward you* http://toyhou.se/664282.decibel Friends o3o?

omg yas that would actually werk really whale
hMM idk ocia is my persona tho so i don't rlly wanna do it if yur not like.. rlly yknow in love with yur grill or watever

lol I'm just trying to get dB some friends. dB and Inari are my personas and I luff them.

oka oka gud
//swet srry i just hadda make shore yknow


Is this ur official mascot ior something. I would really like to draw her sometime cuz she is adorable

aa thanks very much ; w ;
um she's not my mascot, she's my persona, my mascot is mochi-sama :3

Oh sorry for my confusion <3 no need to thank me :D

(from aridesunya) hikari