Oliver (Ollie)



4 months, 5 days ago



Oliver - Ollie -nickname- - He/They

"Oh look, a flower.. It's so pretty, don't you think love? Pretty like you."

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Loves long walks through forests or parks with his partner. He loves reading and writing. He's a sucker for writing and recieving poetry and hand-written letters. He can play the violin and the piano. He loves flowers. He hates loud and rude people who bully and belittle others. He's deathly afraid of all bugs except for butterflies and ladybugs. He loves sweets and has a massive sweet tooth.


He's transgender FTM. His favorite animals are cats and dogs. Him and his partner own 3 cats and a little puppy. They live in the country side in a "little" cottage. He was often bullied growing up for being trans and his caregiver had to constantly move him schools until they eventually gave up and homeschooled him. He's currently studying to become a vetrenarian. He met his partner on the first day of uni and they immediately bonded have been tightly woven into each other's lives ever since.

  • His partner, the forest, books
  • mushrooms, crowds, bugs

  • "Why are you staring at me again Ollie?" -Partner
  • "Why do people stare at the moon, my love?" -Ollie

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His first date with his partner started as his partner closing down their local library and taking Ollie stargazing to see the meteor shower he'd been excitedly telling him about all week..

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