I can do art for all except popper!!

What type of art would you be offering? (Full, half, bust, headshot, etc.?) ^^

Yippee Do 3 busts and 2 Halfbody fit you well? If you want I can make more or another type:D

Howdy! May I ask if you are still interested? You** didn't answer so I decided to wait a bit to ask^^;

Hello! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to respond! I've been really busy and I don't check th often 😭

Your offer was 3 busts and 2 halfbody correct? Could you maybe also add 1 headshot to the offer as well? ^^

Hahaha Np ^^ And if ! No problem, so it will be 3 busts, 2 Halfbody and a headshot About ?

Yes! Also do you have discord or Instagram?

10 Replies

I'm mainly looking for money offers on Alexis! But I can accept art offers for the rest! How much and what kind of art would you be willing to offer? ^^

2 half body and 2 busts is ok? or what would seem better to you? The offer can increase if you want more

Yes that's ok! I can accept that offer! Is there anything design wise that you're not able to do or not comfortable doing? ^^

It's okay, I don't have complications with any type of design, ask me to draw whatever you want ^^ sfw or nsfw

Sure! no problem with that ^^, i'll send you the drawings as soon as i have it

i finished your drawings, i'll send it to you right now ^^

Tysm, characters should be pending! ^^

1 Replies