


5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Calvary Eclipsis

Status: Demigod (Father is the god of the stars, his mother, a simple small town baker)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 5'8"


Calvary is a very stern, and demanding. He's very closed off due to being closed off to his father and never having memories of his mother, only hearing rumors from the other gods who laugh at his father for falling for a simple town baker. Calvary can be very difficult to talk to, however he has a major soft spot for sweets and fluffy animals. He's finds it hard to open up to people, and often finds himself losing people he's close to, which is something he absolutely hates.


Calvary was born to Astries (Father) and Paeony (Mother) Eclipsis. Astries, Paeony, and Calvary lived together in a small town where Paeony lived her whole life. Paeony was a young mom, giving birth to Calvary at 20 years of age, however this didn't stop her from loving her only son. She loved to pamper him with constant love and attention, however Astries was very different. Unlike other children, Calvary had some god's blood running through his veins, and because of this Astries constantly pressured him for the life of a god... and he hated it. Astries noticed this behavior and by the age of 10, Astries took Calvary away from his mother, and to the land of the gods, closing the portal to the mortal world until he was old enough to take the throne from his father.