Hi there!! If these are still open I’d love to get a fullbody c: 

Totally!! Have you got discord <33 

Yeah! InvaderNya c: same as last time 

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I can do that :D 

This user is not visible to guests.

Yes they are!! 

This user is not visible to guests.

Added you! 

Hello! Could I commission a fullbody sketch?

My discord is astrophelaanoir :))

hello! i'd love 1 halfbody & 1 fullbody if these are still open! ^o^
my discord is iwaote

Sent a request!

got it!!

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hello!!! im interested in a full body sketch!! discord is idiotdere 

Okay! Added <3 

Interested in a couple piece if you're able to? My discord is MothFluffyFur

Added you!!

if these are still open, i would love to buy a fullbody and halfbody!

Yes they are open! Ill put you in the waitlist<3 do you have discord so we can discuss everything so far tho ?

i do! it's maximumgay !

Sent a request!!

could i possibly get two fb of https://toyhou.se/22001469.tatsuo and https://toyhou.se/21993629.cidea/gallery together 🗣🗣 if thats possible at least,, my discord is levinki 🫶

Added to discord ^-^

hi!! would love a halfbody of him!!

Ofc! Have you got discord <3

yep!! its WRENNI :D

Okay!! Sent an friend nvitation!! 

hello! if ur open, I'm interested in getting a full body sketch of this character 

Hii! No problem do you have discord ^-^

yes yes, my tag is noodlemon

Sent a request!

just accepted it!

i’d love to comm a full body of him!!! your art is so pretty

Hii! No problem do you have discord ^-^

yup :3 my user is fluhare

Sent an friend nvitation!!

Are these open? if so- Would I be able to possibly get 2? 👁👁

One a bust, the other a fullbody! 

Yes theyre open do you have discord? <3 (ill be going to bed rn so dont lose me!!)


I do have discord! My username is puppycake :D 

OKAYY SENT AN REQUEST!! and its okay!! <3