$5 Pokemon Designs




  • You can resell/trade them away, but do notify me if you do so! I just want to know.
  • You can tweak the design if you want!
  • Don't claim you made the design, credit me somehow!

Available Designs: 

  1. Houndour/Charmander Fusion
  2. Green + Purple Vulpix
  3. Spiritomb/Ampharos Fusion
  4. Ducklett/Pachirisu Fusion
  5. Ghost Shinx
  6. Poochyena/Zorua Fusion
  7. Pikachu/Galarian Ponyta
  8. Fluffy Pikachu
  9. Sushi Pyukumuku
  10. Blonde Vulpix
  11. Fairy Type Vulpix
  12. Fall themed Bulbasaur
  13. Ghost type Sunkern
  14. Fairy (???) Type Cyndaquil
  15. Vulpix-Colored Chimchard
  16. Cherry Blossom Themed Scorbunny
  17. Blonde Eevee

Payment and Delivery:

  • Payments can be made securely through PayPal.
  • Once your payment is confirmed, you'll be sent the character.