


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Zuzu, Anna, Anne, Zooby, Zanny, Zan, Zue



Date of Birth:

February 17th


Hedgehog/Hedgie Anthro

Sexual Orientation





Occupation: Librarian 
Personality: She's rather nervous but usually pretty friendly, is mostly nice but has limitations when her space is invaded. While at work she is able to very chipper, being rather tired after. She loves company but only in few (at most three people) and seemed very scared at parties unless clinging to someone. 
History: She lived a pretty poor life, but doesn't speak very badly of it. Her parents and her worked on a farm belonging to a older man, as payment they were allowed to live in the barn and a small yard they used to grow food on. She never went to school but the old farmer was a former teacher and was more then willing to teach her as long as they took care of the farm.
When she was about 9 she went out with the farmer to help him get seeds and feed, when coming back the barn she lived in with her parents was ablaze. They attempted to put the fire out while calling for her parents, failing. The farmer was burned his hands rather badly during the event. After the lose she started living with the farmer, for quite a while not speaking and just worked on the farm to try and keep up until the farmer could hire more people.
She remained on the farm until she was 12, after that the farmer revealing her parents left a fair amount of money for her to start going to school and he helped her pick a school and she began living on her own. She did decently well in school and would often volunteer to work at the library near her house. They eventually hired her once she graduated her sophomore year. She continued college for four years, majoring in Horticultural Science.
She still lives alone in an average apartment, working at the library. Sometimes on holidays she visits the farmer the raised her after her parents, sort of considering him family. 


  • She ALWAYS wears collar or necklace, only taking them off to bathe.
  • Many people think the farmer is somehow related to her and she usually doesn't care enough to correct them.
  • If questioned about her family she often closes off, saying its not important. She is often uncomfortable when other talks about their family.
  • She despises holidays, unable to work as the library is closed on them and doesn't join people unless they make the offer, so she spends most them alone.
  • Sexual things make her blush very brightly, but adores having her neck kissed or nibbles (probably due to her like for doing the same)
  • Adored snuggling and kissing, nuzzling or nibbling on necks