


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Sin, Jelly, Singe, The Freebie, Sand Wolf, Wolf, Sandman



Date of Birth:

July 8th


Cheetah Anthro

Sexual Orientation:

Unknown, most likely Bisexual


5'7" / 67" / 170cm


Typical clothing: Very light clothing, usually leaving her legs exposed (usually wears shorts, never dresses or skirts). She tends to wear 'lazy' clothes (tanktops, off the shoulder shirts, plain t shirts). When in the organization she wears less revealing clothes. She always wears a collar and often a bandana too to cover the collar.
Personality: When in 'hiding' she seems quite playful and energetic. She loves parkour like activities, being very balanced and quick on her feet (reaching 60 mph in short bursts like a normal cheetah). She adores fruity flavors (mostly orange flavors as they're rare in the desert). She's very blunt, preferring things be straightforward but is quite good at reading people even if she doesn't show it. Once at 'work' she more cold and hostile. She hates taking orders in both cases and with go instincts over orders, usually being right but still being disciplined for disobeying.
History: Syglia was born in the organization, her parents being held as collateral when both of them committed suicide. The organization was able to save her and raised her with the other homeless children. Because they weren't actually prepared for newborns the head of the organization actually raised her until she 'was of use' and even after the two of them stayed on good terms, allowing her to get away with more then normal.
Even from a young age she was pushed harder then the other as more resources were put into her and she lived up to expectations and started excelling to prove she appreciated the life they gave her. Because of her abilities she was used more often and started being trained to be usable in all situations.
Hitting her mid teens she started living a more normal life and living in warmer climates as she enjoys them.


  • People assume she is homeless as she sleeps under large rocks at night and never seems to go home (she does however have a home, she has three. One being at the organization, one being hidden underground and then a little shack she visits occasionally to change clothes, make food, etc) 
  • She sunbathes on rocks often, enjoying being heated by the sun
  • Because she was born into the organization she was nicknamed "The Freebie" by her peers 
  • Her organization name varys, her actual name being Sand Wolf but is also referred to just as Wolf and Sandman