


5 months, 9 days ago


20 | Female | Shadow x Ice


"Jaina," from Warbringers
"Gasoline," by Halsey


Ellyero was born to a female Ice wolf and a shy male Shadow wolf. While a lot of her past is shrouded in mystery, she was taken and raised to her father's Shadow pack without her mother. She grew up a lot spending time away from her father, who had a very 'hands off' approach when raising her, often just allowing her to do what she wanted and not really correcting her. Her father became somewhat of a pushover. She'd often get into trouble, which her father took the blunt hit for, especially for her foul language. Her father to this day have no idea where she learned such words and is very appauled at how easily she can restort to using them.

Snarky, and sassy, she has quite a temper. But if appeased by food, she'll calm right down. On the surface she can seem unapproachable and hostile, but she doesn't know how to express herself with a difficult understanding of knowing how she feels and why she feels certain ways. She currently resides in the Mapleplace pack, and is friends with Aetixe and Sacarius. She often have to leave when the two of them get too overbearing and can't stand watching them be all lovey-dovey with eachother. 

She is terrified of heights.


Mate - Aether

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Partial (Symbols)


Element - Shadow
Inherited Ability - Thick Coat 

Ellyero is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

HTML template by Coywolfy