Vicar Laurent



Sopping wet beast mf named Laurent, he's frail weak and a PUSSY. Big wip still. his voice

a young vicar of the Divine Church of Absolution, vile thing with the temper of an unsocialised chihuahua. he fluctuates between a cold, reserved figure and a meek, timid mouse, no inbetween

essentially raised within the Church, faith is all he has ever known but he isn't opposed to any other teachings, he's pretty open minded given how the previous Vicar was nothing short of an evangelist. though that being said his sense of devotion is very strong and he relies on his faith for guidance more than anything

lastborn of the Divine Mother and Father, his other two siblings are Scourge Legate Neir and Rolyn of the Charred Archives. They have a healthy relationship that definitely does not involve in a lot bodily harm towards one another (mostly Rolyn and Laurent)

Ludovik is also his actual biological brother, they were both apprentices in the Church during their childhood after they were orphaned, Laurent was especially keen on their teachings unlike his brother. but one night Ludovik decided to abandoned his faith and fled from their shared bed chamber, when Laurent awoke the next morning to his brother's bed already empty and with him nowhere in sight in the Church or it's courtyard he was left distraught for months on end. he still thinks about his brother in the present day and prays for his wellbeing wherever he is

he's not like, an actual child of the Divine (that would be Neir), he's only Graced by it same as Rolyn but less so. he was born in the sense of being blessed by the Divine itself, though his blessing is diluted thus not making him a demi-god unlike his brothers

he leads the church with indulgence that any other religious sect would shun or condemn, he lets his congregation partake in depraved rituals ranging from the consumption of his blood, cannibalism, violence and various sexual acts amongst themselves as a form of Liberation. all are seen and conducted by him

has a strange fixation with his god, often seen staring and speaking to the statue of The Divine near the altar into the late nights. he's always seeking approval and wanting to be seen but he's not like, loud or obnoxious about it, more like quietly hoping in a feverish, whispered prayer