


5 months, 10 days ago


18 | Male | Shadow x Light


"Easy," by Waveform


Erune was born into a pack of Shadow Wolves. Because of his hybrid status, he was quickly interested his pack leader, a dictator wolf named Karlion. And thanks to his summoning gifted to them when they were born, Erune and his brother, along with several other pups, were trained as elite assassins to protect and guard Karlion. For several years they were trained harshly, until both were old enough to fight back. Erune and his brother, a Pure Shadow wolf named Casko, had made plans. They would kill their leader, and let someone more fitting take over as the leader of the pack. They both had agreed to do it together, and kill Karlion when he was alone and an oppertunity was on the horizon; a future meeting with another pack about an alliance would prove to be a good oppertunity. However at the morning of the journey, Erune suddenly had second thoughts and he couldn't go through with it. His brother comforted him, but he knew it wasn't safe for Erune to stay in the pack. He called his Summoning and would let her guide Erune out of the territory while he would go with Karlion to the meeting. When Erune was safely away, being led away by his brother's Summoning, Casko went with Karlion to escort him to the other pack's territory. But either through fate, or a impulsive decision, as the small group of wolves were walking near a cliff edge, Casko attacked Karlion with the intent to push him over the edge. However, it did not go as planned and Casko was quickly outnumbered and pinned. Karlion mocked him, and told him he knew of the plan and that he would send assassins after his brother Erune as soon as they got back. Casko knowing he only had one more chance managed to rise to his feet and lunge at Karlion and together he pushed both of them off the cliff and fell to their deaths. Erune had no idea what his brother was doing, until suddenly the summoning in front of him suddenly disintigrated into dust and faded away into the sky.... And he knew he would not see his brother again..


Before his brother died, Erune was often called a roaming drifter. While he managed to stay focused during their years of training, he liked to spend time in nature. Because of his dual nature, a lot of the training he went through was painful for him. He was very close to his brother, and Casko's death broke him. Erune is calm and gentle and very protective. He's often lost in his own thoughts, but always aware of what happens around him and the slightest shift in someone's emotions or in the nature around him. He also likes to sit outside in the rain and let it run down his fur, likewise he likes to dry in the sun after taking a bath. He mostly spends his time drifting from place to place, hanging around markets and always on the guard from the assassins Karlion's pack might have sent after him. He doesn't speak of his past, but he lives with survival guilt, wondering what would've happened if he had gone with his brother.

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes


Element - Light
Inherited Ability - Bone Crush

Erune is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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