Pirate (Sea Serpent) King



“Have you ever heard the story of the Lilac-eyed Serpent?” is a question commonly tossed around amongst taverns and the crews of ships. A question that refers to a sea monster that lives in the depths, one that has never been fully seen by someone who has lived to tell the tale. Stories of a sudden storm appearing over ships, or an ominous lilac glow coming from beneath a vessel in the dead of night. Stories of giant, horrid tentacles reaching out from the deep, dragging ships down under where they’d never be seen again. Stories of a massive, lilac eye, just staring at a ship as it rocks on by, silently observing.

All stories, correct? Mere legends and tales to spook sailors?



It is unclear as to what this creature's motives are, or its origins. Many deny its very existence, chalking it up to a fairy tale, but it is very much out there in the depths. Stories of the Lilac-eyed Serpent have been passed through generations upon generations.

An encounter with this beast doesn't guarantee a fight, or even a shipwreck, no. Perhaps that's the scariest part about it– most reported encounters with the Lilac-eyed Serpent are simply accounts of one massive eye, watching a ship sail by. Just starting. Some people have claimed to see its whole body, claiming that it must've been 50– no, 100 meters long. Some have said they've seen multiple eyes, while some have claimed to see its head and its awful unhinging jaw. Many have even claimed that before seeing it through the water, a sudden storm would brew up when the sky was otherwise clear before. Whenever the monster attacks, it seems to be calculated, as it doesn't attack just every ship. It observes, and when it does, that is your chance to get out of there.

Whatever the case is, whenever sailing into deep waters (especially the Abyss) during the night, your ship is at the mercy of whatever this sea monster is. It doesn't seem to have a set domain– just anywhere in the open sea. Many have tried to hunt it, but to no avail. But, in the times where it has been hurt, it's been said to bleed an awful viscous violet that taints the water around it. If its horrid eyes stare at you in the dead of night, stay calm. Try not to stare back. Simply sail away without making much noise, and perhaps you will be spared.

But, this legend, of a vicious sea monster with lilac eyes, talks of another tale. One that says that this ancient monster walks sometimes amongst the earth as a human. With one jarring difference– snake eyes. Lilac snake eyes. 

Snake-eyed folk aren't the most common in this world, but a sort of unease has always followed them due to this legend. A stereotype that follows every snake-eyed person.

 Anybody with snake eyes could be the Lilac-eyed Serpent, after all. You best watch out.

Of course, most people treat this as a fantasy once again. Most do not believe an ancient eldritch horror would walk amongst people. Yet, snake-eyed folk can never seem to fit in anywhere.

Alexander Harlow is one of these people. With bright snake eyes and an odd violet flush to his cheeks, he appears and disappears for days on end. He doesn't seem to age, eat or sleep for that matter. He's ungodly tall, and seems to be covered in scars– especially with that nasty eye scar he has. "The sea is rough," he'll say if someone asks, before taking a sip. 

He also appears to be unnaturally wise at most things, and has a want to socialize. He's most often seen at taverns, talking to various crews and passerbys, including some of our very own from the Unsinkable (the Revolution). Alexander is always curious about where a crew will sail next, or how their previous voyage was. He seems to know everyone, but nobody knows him personally. As if he is constantly gathering information, while refusing to give any about himself in return.

A strange individual indeed.