

4 months, 28 days ago

Basic Info


Sharkling (mostly Inkling, a little bit of shark)




The Rickster (honestly, no one calls him this but himself)



Ricky is best known as the percussionist (+ sometimes backup vocalist) and 1/3 of the up-and-coming Splatsville band, PINK FLOUNDER. Out of the entire band, he's probably the best at what he does, despite not practicing much. Maybe it's a miracle. Maybe he's not exactly the heartthrob of the band, but he's definitely the comic relief. Leave it up to Ricky to deliver a stupid, unintentionally funny line during a song intermission at a concert of theirs.

Outside of (rarely) practicing his drum skills, Ricky can be seen in Anarchy Battles and Turf Wars. Generally being a reckless and wild person, it's surprising how pristine and clean he keeps his Enperry Splat Dualies. They're one of his prized possessions, and he won't use any other weapon. This is probably why he doesn't participate in Salmon Run very much, since there are random weapons assigned. Occasionally though, he'll get dragged along by his other two bandmates to run a few shifts (he's never very helpful though because he doesn't know how to use any other weapons, so he ends up being splatted more than contributing anything).

Personality-wise, Ricky is... a character. He could be said to be the dumbest of the group, but probably the most entertaining to be around. Not that the others are boring to be around... just, when talking to Ricky you'll never be bored. He'll jump from one topic to the next without any warning, leaving one very confused. Besides that, Ricky likes to argue. Not serious arguments and confrontations, he doesn't like that. But meaningless, fickle arguments (such as which weapons are better for what gamemodes) are right up his alley. In fact, he'll even start them on purpose. Besides comedy, he doesn't have much to contribute smarts-wise. He'll frequently forget things you tell him, even if he genuinely does care. He'll constantly spell things wrong, mess up names, the like. But it's not on purpose; he's trying. He's good hearted, it just doesn't always show in his actions nor his words.


Fun Facts: 

  • No one really knows why Ricky is partly shark (he isn't very much shark though). Even he doesn't know. If you were to ask, he'll tell you to make up your own reason. 
  • He isn't the biggest fan of his big fangs: they're obtrusive and, in his opinion, 'make him look scary'. But they aren't sharp, and are hard to actually hurt someone with. 
  • He has a pretty long, forked tongue. Again, he doesn't know why nor does anyone else.
  • He doesn't really hate any gamemode, but he likes Splat Zones in particular. The other three game modes are too hard for him to understand. Even Splat Zones had to be thoroughly explained to him before he understood it.
  • His best, longtime childhood friend is also an up-and-coming artist, a DJ. Who he may or may not have a tiny little crush on...
  • His favorite band is none other than Deep Cut, and he's a pretty big fan of Big Man. It's obvious, seeing as he usually is sporting a Big Man patterned jacket. He's never actually met Big Man though, but wants to one day. 
  • He even has a favorite song from them: Till Depth Do Us Part. He drums the melody to it on any surface he's near, causing others to get annoyed.