


4 months, 24 days ago


... Look, kid, have you seen the thing or not?


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Keycard is Detective Looker's eccentrically flamboyant young assistant. Or at least, that's what Looker says. Everyone knows Key is his adoptive son. Hailing from Kalos but having visted many other regions on their travels, they have a very strange accent.

His team is formulated not for battle, but for assisting his detective work. Kicks is responsible for apprehension. Tumble and Steep are in charge of tracking and searching. Visage is in charge of interrogation. Pouch proves useful for comforting anyone anxious about the presence of detectives as well as being surprisingly stealthy and nimble. Lillith was picked up whilst on a particularly strange case, named after a friend made along the way.

trench coats
fancy tapu cocoa
old couches
bright lights
rough terrain
PVA glue
my original pokésona with a new look!
mainly gets around on rollerskates.
really likes dog-adjacent pokemon


Looker adoptive father

Keycard's boss-and-totally-not-dad. Yeah, nobody else believes that either. Just the way they pose with each other in official photographs would tell anyone that much. The two have polar opposite eccentricities, which actually lends very well to their work.

Ilima partner

Keycard originally met Ilima whilst out on a case, but their similar brands of ecentricity and laidback attitudes compelled them to keep meeting outside of work. Key likes to tease him for "having a thing for detectives" due to the first pokemon in his party being a Gumshoos.

Nanu strange uncle

Keycard thinks of Nanu as a sort of weird uncle whom they get to see every other weekend. He's clinically chill and a bit eccentric but relaxing to be around; not to mention, with all the cases they've been called on together in Alola, they may as well be family anyway.

Prof. Sycamore friend

Keycard is actually Kalosian, and pretty much all Kalosian kids know Professor Sycamore. Like many others, he gave them their first pokémon, but rather than one of the traditional three, he gave them a particularly special Dedene; for a particularly special young boy, he had said. Keycard still remembers that. He thinks about it a lot.