


5 months, 9 days ago


Hocus-Pocus | Trans-Tom | He/Him | Colibri Colony Feather

Even after taking care of his fur, Hocus-Pocus is a tom with a wildly curly pelt due to his selkirk rex genes. He is a black smoke tortoiseshell, forming into a ghost tabby as the stripes are visible, with ears that bend and curl backwards like those of an American Curl.

Hocus-Pocus is an imaginative tom, he has so many creative tricks and ideas for shows that it’s amazing he has time to sleep, his mind is constantly overspilling with cool ideas he just has to do. When he’s not running his shows, Hocus-Pocus can be pretty breezy and relaxed, whilst this lets him take his time… he is also pretty lazy when not doing his shows. He’s insatiable though, he has to keep catching more hearts, one good show isn’t enough, he constantly pushes for more and more and never seems to be satisfied with what he has. He’s also pretty self-reliant, he never lets anyone help with his chores or help take care of him, which whilst he never makes anyone do things for him… also means things get procrastinated on until the very end, due to his moreso lax nature with those things. Hocus-Pocus is a bit manipulative and will use such manipulativeness to drag people to his shows, though he does try to keep it only for that as he is somewhat aware of the hurt it could cause outside. He is also pretty egotistical, something he has from Prince though to a lesser degree, genuinely believing his shows are the absolute best anyone could offer and cannot accept that they’re anything less. He is a very silly tom though, he aims to make everyone smile and laugh and feels its his purpose, though he has a slight tendency to misunderstand emotional situations and drop jokes at bad times. He’s a determined tom too, he WILL do what he wants RIGHT NOW and you CANNOT STOP HIM, even if it’s obviously a bad idea. However, he’s also a very curious tom, he’s genuinely eager to learn about the world.

His parents are Prince and Amelia, his foster mother is Vulture, his older siblings are Jojoba and Papaya, his littermates are Pitter-Patter, Hodge-Podge, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, Hubble-Bubble and Flip-Flop, his paternal grandparents are George and Katarina