Riley Lowe



4 months, 12 days ago


#Religious Man
song title


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Riley Lowe

A religious man hailing from a small settlement where he was trained to be a medic since his childhood. He lost the people closest to him because of the raiders of the wasteland.

Now the sherriff of a small town in Texas, he protects them best he can, and helps to try to provide for them. He keeps the raiders at bay, and has a distaste for the Brotherhood, who have tried to raze the town in the past for its technology. He just wants to protect his town and his family.

  • Whisky
  • Medicine
  • Protecting the Weak
  • Bandits and Raiders
  • Liars
  • Brotherhood of Steel

Humble beginnings, tragic ends

Riley grew up in a small settlement in southern Texas that was primarily just a religious covert, he had a mom and dad that were the acting town doctors. He wanted to be just like them, so he'd do everything in his power to do so, learning diligently and practicing when possible. He followed the word of the lord, and considered himself free of sin until he was a teenager. That's when the troubles started. A raider gang had made its home in some nearby ruins, and started pestering the townsfolk for resorces. It started off small, but over the course of several months, the demands kept getting more and more severe until they finally raided the town in full when the townsfolk finally had enough. Riley had tried to get kids out of the way of the destruction, but he wasn't able to, getting shot in the back by a raider. This shot would not be fatal however, just knocking him out due to to sheer luck. The rest of the townsfolk were not so lucky. By the time Riley awoke, there was no one left. Enraged, he took off on his own, wanting to get revenge.

A life built on blood soaked caps

Intending to get revenge for the loss of his people, he attempted to take off to try a suicidal attempt at taking down the raider gang that had ripped his family from him. Through a few runs of bad luck and sheer tenacity, he ended up in the ruins of San Antonio. This is where he met up with a mercenary band that convinced him to join up through another younger member. So, he took up arms with them, and thus his tale started, starting with a simple revolver and a lever action rifle. Him and the gang had cut a swathe through the wasteland, and he completely fell away from his values in his vulnerable state. He murdered, drank, smoked, and did anything and everything that rebelled against his previously held ideals, even going as far as to not pick up any of the medical journals his parents kept, out of pure self-hatred. Slowly, he forgot about what his original goal was, and he lost himself in his new life. He had money, any woman he wanted, and could get just about any job he wanted with his group. Though, he came to resent all of it in time, avoiding his friends, blowing his caps on alcohol and drinking himself away in his hotel room by his mid 20s. He slowly came to the realization that he needed to change his life, seeing his own interpreted signs of his lord calling to him through signs. Finding bibles, fallen crosses, seemingly everywhere he went. So, he took what he had, and bade farewell to his gang, knowing he needed to return on his old path, though with the experience needed to take on the gang that had plagued him so many years ago. He trekked his way across the desert, and managed through pure grit to put them in the dirt. This filled him with satisfaction, but, still, emptiness. So, he decided to just wander.

A wandering man, with purpose found again

Riley travelled for months on end, getting into trouble with the various pests of the wasteland before ending up in California. This is where what he thought was his calling picked up to him. Recruitment posters for the New California Republic's military. He decided to sign up, having experience he thought was necessary. This was hell for him in the weeks that followed. From extremely strenuous training, to the various amount of ballistics and hand-to-hand training he had. That, and the rigid structure wore down on him. He spent a few years in this life, until he was eligible to join the Rangers. He saw his opportunity, and took it, meeting with a newfound friend in a man named Mason. Him and Mason hit it off like clockwork, and the two of them became a ranger duo to be reconned with. The both of them trained, ate, and lived together for a long time, and their bond only became closer. The two of them spent years in the military together, deploying to various hellholes with their other rangers, and handling some of the worst that could be thrown at either of them. Riley only retired when, finally, after nearly a decade and a half of military service, his friend was finally killed in battle. At this point, he lost family over, and over again. He was tired. He retired out shortly after, collecting his friends dogtags and travelling to the place he knew best. He went back to his old home of Texas, intending to start his new life, once again.


He over his months of travel once more managed to find a small town in need of help. He took up arms, and helped drive off the attackers, a group of raiders, using his superior training. The people of the town had quickly taken a liking to him because of this, not having anyone able to help them before. He'd managed to save this town from the same destruction of his old town, many years ago. He decided at this point, that he'd mingle with them, and settle. He helped them rebuild, and even broke out his decades old medical journals owned by his parents. He slowly over time went from another citizen helping with the militia, to being elected as the town sherriff. He takes his job very seriously, and even managed to get close to a woman named Karen, spending several years with her, before the both wed and had two kids, Janice, and Mason, named after his old friend. This is where he is, and plans to remain, taking to his own code of honor, and always keeping three things close to him; his bible, his family, and his gun.

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