


5 months, 4 days ago


Fakemon Line (PLEASE DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN - only friends will be given permission to make their own)

Fire/Bug Starter Pokemon

Antiny - Cantie - Confectiant

Antiny, the Super Sweet Pokemon

The boiling hot magma inside of Antiny's tail is actually a superheated sugar, and once cooled, can create a delicious caramel. They've been known to give this caramel to their friends and allies to cheer them up.

Antiny are incredibly friendly and social Pokemon, making them ideal companions for young trainers just starting their journey. Parents, on the other hand, tend to oppose this decision, due to how sticky they can be.

Antiny has a special quality to it's coloration- that being that it's shinies are both at a much high frequency of being caught, but with a catch - there are at least five different colorations of shiny Antiny, each with it's own odds! It's believed these shinies are not a result of genetic mutation, but rather the diet of the Pokemon causing the color of their sugar to change.